Ava come to Tamriel to find her master: Goddess of Hunter - Artemis. Oh My Goddess - Artemis~ where are you ?

- Race: Nord [Hi-Poly]
- Your installed skin and your installed body. Compatible with 3BA, BHUNP, CBBE, TBD, and UNP bodies.
- Interesting is Her face will look a little bit (or more) differently depending on the skin you install. (Fair Skin, The Pure, BnP, Leyenda Skin, Bijin Skin, Reverie - Skin,...) In my Picture are using Reverie - Skin.
- Dawn Warrior Armor - Artemis's main Armor
- Goddess Outfit - Artemis's Sleep Outfit
- Artemis are Goddess of Hunter so she can use ranged weapon: Bow or Crossbow.
- ESPFE (ESL-Flagged)

There are 2 version for Artemis:
I. Goddess of Hunter
She come to Tamriel a long time ago without reason. She was the one who helped end the Great War in Tamriel. It is said that Goddess Athena is always at the forefront of Battle, and Goddess Artemis is always hidden in the shadows, her enemies never know when the dead will come to them~ Dead Arrow.. After the Great War she went into hiding. But now war is rising: civil war, dragons,...You [Dragonborn] need to find the Goddesses again, and ask for their help.
2. Goddess of Amnesia
She come to Tamriel a long time ago without reason and no memory after all, then she become a servant in a keep. But her power still inside her body.

I. Goddess of Hunter - She will stay in Mona Alta - A place only Brave Warriors can reach.
Features: Essential, can be married
Weapon: Karliah's Bow + 500 Arrows
Armor: Main Outfit - Dawn Warrior Armor and Sleep Outfit - Goddess Outfit
Spell: None.
II. Goddess of Amnesia - She is a Servant in Dragonsreach.
Features: Essential, can be married
Weapon: Bared Hand
Armor: Barkeeper Outfit
Spell: None.

- Manual Install: Extract Data folder into Skyrim folder.
- Install all Requirement Mods.
-Why don't you make standalone follower ? Standalone follower won't require more mod than itself.
Two reason:
1.Full Compatibility for this mods.
2.Fair Download: for other mod creators. I use "items" from other mods to create this mod. So it's better to be fair to them
-Why don't you make a quest for her ?
Well, I'm not a pro "Scripts" editor so....I welcome everyone make "Scripts" quest for her. My idea: She will br "Goddess of Amnesia " first, then help her recover her memory, complete the mission, she will become "Goddess of Hunter".
-Why does every character I create come with a set of clothes ?
I always choose the outfit first, then I create followers face to match the outfit. Then named her!