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Haru Walker

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About this mod

Valkyrie Frea!

Permissions and credits

Oh My Frea - Frea replace as a Valkyrie [I make this mod because I can't find any Frea replace look good for me]

  • Race: Imperial [Hi-Poly]
  • Your installed skin and your installed body. Compatible with 3BA, BHUNP, CBBE, TBD, and UNP bodies.
  • Interesting is Her face will look a little bit (or more) differently depending on the skin you install. (Fair Skin, The Pure, BnP, Leyenda Skin, Bijin Skin, Reverie - Skin,...) In my Picture are using Reverie - Skin.
  • BDO Valkyrie - Frea's main Armor
  • Eimar's Edge - Frea's melee weapon
  • ESPFE (ESL-Flagged)

I. Valkyrie Frea

Weapon: Eimar's Edge, Nordic Bow + Nordic Arrowx12

Armor: BDO Valkyrie

II. NonOutfit Frea - Only face change

Weapon: No Changes

Armor: No Changes

If you are using 3BA Body, don't touch Bodyslide of BDO Valkyrie Outfit. It will broke the outfit
So I made different Weight of Frea: 100 (standard) - 75 - 50 - 25
Less weight mean smaller tits.

  • Manual Install: Extract Data folder into Skyrim folder.
  • Install all Requirement Mods.

-Why don't you make standalone follower ? Standalone follower won't require more mod than itself.
 Two reason:
1.Full Compatibility for this mods.
2.Fair Download: for other mod creators. I use "items" from other mods to create this mod. So it's better to be fair to them

Why does every character I create come with a set of clothes ?
I always choose the outfit first, then I create followers face to match the outfit. Then named her!

-Will you make Serana replace mod ?
It right here: Oh My Serana - Cursed Girl