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About this mod

When I was younger, father gave me a house in Hjaalmarch’s woods; Mikillheim, a home originally built by my ancestors. His last gift to me, I accepted it – finally, I’d have my own place. Some weeks after his death, I began my move from my childhood home to the house he left me.

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When I got to the door, I questioned whether I was in the right place or not. Though there aren’t many houses in Hjaalmarch hold outside of Morthal, this house was … off. It was clearly old and very unkempt at best – the lawn alone grew up to my knees, and upon opening the door and looking inside, the interior was no better. I stared into the kitchen and pots, baskets, even paper cluttered the floors; food was still left on the table and below that, a bedroom with hoards of things all over the floor that I couldn’t make out.
I considered turning around at that point, abandoning the place. But instead, I placed my pack down on the floor and wondered how I alone would go about cleaning the house up.

You will need Hearthfire and Update.esm
This is my very first Skyrim mod. Keep this in mind.

This mod includes:
- A cursed/haunted house.
- A short storyline (non-linear?), only available through multiple letters and some environmental storytelling. (There aren’t map markers on all of the letters – you will need to find them.)

How to start:
Go to Moorside Inn in Morthal, speak to Jonna and ask for “any interesting rumors”. She will hand you a letter. Reading it
triggers the quest.
If you want the backstory on the house: there will be a letter on the countertop, “Letter to Jarl Idgrod”. No need to give
the letter to the jarl or do anything else with it.