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Sons of Vuldur

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About this mod

The Sisters of Raven's Hollow is the second DLC mod that takes place in Venjhammet's Land of Vominheim and gives a piece of it a multi-layered boost!

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Venjhammet's Land of Vominheim is updated to 2.91. Sisters IS updated to 2.91 

Vominheim 2.91 is a HARD REQUIREMENT! Sisters is dependent upon it.

Get it here:

ATTENTION! 2 new versions! (courtesy of FF7Legend)

New main version file sisters291SS - "All followers are getting custom combat suites, bosses are getting buffed up. I believe you will like what I've done to Zarilda, the vampire follower.  She will be ripping her opponents to shreds with her Frost magic, Gargoyle summon & Necromancy spells.  Zarilda will also FEED on unsuspecting NPCs & the player if users have Bloodthirst - Vampire NPCs Can Feed installed. 
 Also, a NEW GAME will be required since certain things will not take effect on an existing save.  That's just how the game engine was built unfortunately.

Optional version sisters291SSBM - " I will also be offering up a second version of the plugin where Zarilda will be wielding this DEVASTAING WEAPON: - ORI - Harkon's Sword - Blood Matron 

In the hands of a vampire, that weapon is utterly DEVASTATING.  It feeds off opponents & will periodically grant major boons to the vampire wielding it.  Don't even think about wielding that blade as a mortal.  You will be very sorry if you do...  Users will be REQUIRED to install the linked mod in order to utilize the second plugin which will overwrite the original.  Also, a NEW GAME will be required since certain things will not take effect on an existing save.  That's just how the game engine was built unfortunately.

The Sisters of Raven's Hollow is the second DLC mod that takes place in Venjhammet's Land of Vominheim and gives a piece of it a multi-layered boost!  The first DLC, The Daughters of Vominheim, is here =

What does The Sisters of Raven's Hollow add to Land of

1 - Sisters of Raven's Hollow adds a new storyline arc to Vominheim that continues to connect the Venjhammet and RipX mod universes, this time focusing on the Twilight Elves introduced in previous RipX mods.

2 - Sisters of Raven's Hollow rejuvenates the Raven's Hollow area in Land of Vominheim by way of a quest where y
ou will be tasked to assist an ex assassin that has had a loved one murdered. You will help in her quest for revenge, while also helping to rescue two friends of hers that have been kidnapped.  The quest is a completely new standalone story told to the player through vastly fleshed out scenes you will find in your travels. These reside in "The Claws of Knowledge", Books held in claw pedestals found along the path of your journey. These will paint the scene for you during your adventure. IMPORTANT: READ EACH BOOK, cause THEY are the "quest markers" here.

3 - Sisters of Raven's Hollow re-interprets and upgrades the four followers of Raven's Hollow themselves (AND gives you a bonus fifth follower), both visually and by giving them their own individual backstories. These backstories can be discovered the player during the quest. Learn about each follower and why they are where they are in their current lives. Upon finishing the quest, you will gain FIVE new followers... Come get it!!!

Start the quest by going to Wakecrest in the Land of Vominheim  and find Rhaenyra standing next to the first book. Read it, and the adventure begins.