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About this mod

A simple, standalone terrace for the Blue Palace in Solitude. It does not make any changes to the Blue Palace building so it should work with all other Blue Palace/Solitude mods (unless they make changes to the Blue Palace building).

Permissions and credits
I love Drengin's Blue Palace Terrace and Thay's Blue Palace Overhaul (seriously, check them both out, they're amazing). However, both of them are total Blue Palace overhauls, meaning they overhaul the terrace, the building interior, and the courtyard (and in the case of Drengin's, the area in front of the Blue Palace as well). Adding one of these mods to your load order is a big commitment, so I wanted to create something standalone that can be combined with different Blue Palace/Solitude mods without the need for patches. Of course, this also means my mod is MUCH smaller in scale than those two.

This mod creates a small terrace from the empty rooftop of the vanilla palace building. The door for the terrace is in the Blue Palace staircase (the left side staircase if you are using JK's Blue Palace). Just pretend it leads to another staircase that then takes you to the roof. :P

Load order: Load before any lighting mods (Lux, ELFX, etc.) so you aren't overwriting the light template inside the Blue Palace.

The mod uses all vanilla assets, so it will use whatever textures/meshes you have installed. If you want the same look as in the screenshots, these are the texture/mesh replacers I use:

Credits: Jkrojmal (I copied your method for making the big trellises!)