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This mods adds a cloak for the player to wear over their existing outfit.

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This mod adds a cloak with enabled SMP Physics for the player to wear over their existing outfit.
I made this because I thought something cozier than a fur cape would fit the game well.

The cloak occupies slot 46 so it should be compatible with most accessory mods, barring backpacks and other cloaks of course. The cloak is SMP-enabled, weight slider enabled, and available for both genders. The cloaks have the appropriate keywords for the base game and for Survival Mode, which means mods like Sunhelm will also recognize these items as adding warmth to the player. They can be crafted at the tanning rack using two linen wraps, auxiliary components and dying agents like flowers or fats. The textures come in 2k resolutions. The cloaks have fitting inventory models.

There are nine color variations. These are:
Tattered Brown Cloak
Common Red Cloak
Common Blue Cloak
Common Green Cloak
Common Black Cloak
Common White Cloak
Elaborate Ruby Cloak (luxurious red)
Elaborate Sapphire Cloak (luxurious blue)
Elaborate Emerald Cloak (luxurious green)

Tools used:
Substance Painter
Outfit Studio

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