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About this mod

Now you can blow out and re-light candles of all kinds.

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This is a continuation of my series of mods focused on interactive items. Enjoy!

The source files are on my GitHub.


  • You can extinguish or light candles by activating or casting a spell on them. Optionally, with an animation (see the last gif).
  • Lanterns are not included, check out my other mod for that - LightsBane. It allows to extinguish and destroy all lanterns.
  • Removable torches: Dynamic Torches - Base Object Swapper, and for non-community shaders users - Dynamic Torches.
  • You can also enable the feature that allows to disable unattached to a candle lights upon blowing it out in the MCM.
    ⚬ Be cautious: if there are too many light sources in a cell or you chose a large radius, there may be delays in model changing.
    ⚬ May not work for outdoor candles (outside of cities) and some fake light sources due to their position.
    ⚬ Recommended to use with Light Placer-based mods as an alternative.
  • Most of the meshes are vanilla, so if you notice any small inconsistencies between the lit and unlit models, it means they are original counterparts from the base game.
  • If you want to experience a little more realism, you can check to install the Eternal Flames patch in FOMOD. It replaces ruins candles with extinguished ones where it makes sense.

  • Available candles list:
    Ruins candles, imperial candles, candlesticks, glazed candles, candle horns, chandeliers, candelabras, sconces, Riekling candles, AE CC candles, Diverse Candles' candles, HS Resources candles, Antique Colorful Candles' candles, Obscure's College of Winterhold candles.


You need Base Object Swapper, ConsoleUtil NG, PapyrusUtil SEKeyword Item Distributor, and MCM Helper. I also recommend using Better Third Person Selection, as some candles don't have a comfortable activation point by the default (like imperial wall ones).


Compatible With:

Not Compatible With:

  • Any Base Object Swapper replacers for candles, chandeliers, candelabras, and sconces.


rudy102mathy79, SDlutz, LucidAPsiimlennyrenthal311and FrankBlack for the amazing meshes, which I patched to include unlit counterparts. And CyberRumor for allowing to use their assets, I adapted their pre-configured _SWAP.ini file for the Eternal Flames patch.