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About this mod

This mod adds multiple stone pillars to The Reach region to make it look more majestic. A complete remake of an old mod with the same name. Enjoy!

Permissions and credits
This mod is a complete remake of an old mod: Markarth Reach Environment Upgrade - ModCompatible, created from scratch. Even though there is already the SE version, i still really want to make a version which is slimmer and ESPFE. As said before, this mod is made from zero, taking inspiration from the original mod. This version only adds stone pillars without any landscape edit and for your convenience is ESPFE.

preview with happy little trees, northern roads, and lux via active:

1. Install this mod with your favorite mod manager
That's it!


During testing this mod, i find this mod is compatible with both lux via and northern roads. This mod is even also compatible with the SE port version of the original mod!


beachboy1969 and ReachHeavenByViolence for the original mod and the SE port

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