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About this mod

Replaces the ring of Khajiit with a new model, as it was in TES: IV

Permissions and credits

Replacer for the legendary Ring of Khajiit. For me the version in Skyrim was never right, when I think about this ring, I always have the Oblivion version in mind, and I think that many others do as well. (And maybe that was the reason it was only present in the game files and not really implemented)
Anyhow, I fixed this minor incontinency.
There are several options to choose from, one is a simple mesh replacer, if you have any mod that implements the Ring of Khajiit (e.g. Fishing CC; Legacy of the Dragonborn) it will replace the models.
The 2nd option is for people who don't have (or want) any of those mods but still want to get their hands on this ring. (or like the ring but want to enchant it themselves) It adds a enchantable version into the Kilkreath Ruins (in the room where you obtain Dawnbreaker) as well as a version for the left hand, to honor the implementation in TES: IV where you get this ring after completing the quest of Meridia.

  • mods which replace the same item

  • run fomod

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to the entire modding community for being awesome.