About this mod
A xEdit script to be used for generating a bat file to add all perks that is provided by Vokriinator Black. It goes through the records and matches them to the perk tree and grabs the conflict winner perks and provides a bat file for use.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
The script goes through the load order and grabs the perks, and matches them to the ones at the perk tree and provides you an output that can be copy pasted to a .txt file.
- Open SSEedit and load your mod order.
- Right click on any plugin at the left side.
- Click Apply Script
- Choose new script from the dropdown
- Past this script there and name it whatever you want.
- Run the script
- Copy the output to a .txt file and place it to your Skyrim game folder.
- run the bat file through your console in game with 'bat <yourbatfilename>"
- Profit.
The generator gives ALL the perks. So make sure to;
- Be in a player home or a place you will travel frequently for Home Mythal perk
- Make sure to do a "player.modav health 15000" so you don't die because of "That Which Does Not Kill" perk.
It's a bit of work but go through your generated output to remove the perks you don't want. I will share my own bat as an example if you want but it probably won't work for you due to patches and different load order.
Feel free to use the script and optimize it. All I ask is a mention for credit and if you can, a discussion in the Posts sections so I can learn more as well.