About this mod
Young adventurous Breton, Edwore Hawkfield, set foot in Skyrim and after many years and numerous adventures, he found an ancient Nordic ruin he converted to a cozy home to return from his expeditions. Under the tundra sky it sits, a brief respite from adventures.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- A nice cozy double bed and beds for followers.
- Smithy, Alchemy Lab, Enchanting table (Edwore was a kind of jack of all trades).
- A nice kitchen.
- A couple of chests and containers.
- A water trough for the horse(s).
- If something touches the Tamriel cell the outside of the house is located, then it’s not compatible. Or at least not compatible without a patch.
- I had some mod lists on my PC to try it out, it seemed that lists that used a version of Skyrim older than 1.6.1170 (further reading seems to suggest modlists for versions older than 1.6.1130) needed to have BEES in them for the mod to run.
- Since it has a Tamriel component, you might need to re-run DynDOLOD to avoid pop-ins.
This is essentially my first complete* mod. Been messing around with CK for about a year and a half, almost two. I had been watching a lot of Skyblivion landscaping and interior designing streams, and it kinda drew my interest and decided to see if I could learn how to use the CK and several hundred hours later (a couple half-finished exterior projects) here we are.
This house was inspired by a similar house I remember someone made in the Riverwood area. I can’t remember how its interior was, or how the exterior was exactly, but I did remember they used Nordic Dwelling asset. So, I used that and went for it, as well as daring for the first time to touch Tamriel and its navmesh (used Darkfox’s YouTube video for it).
*Initially I wanted to have a proper quest showing the player to the house, but after making the quest for some reason I could not make the quest work if I installed the mod in another modlist. Further troubleshooting it actually had me breaking the questline for the mod tools list I was using to build it (*awkward smile*). I’ve been fussing about it for a while now, until I decided to escort this house mod, as is, out the door and just keep trying to learn more about quest making in CK. I also have a couple of ideas to make a few more “immersion” additions to it down the line, but they also require me to learn some more stuff about CK and questing.
Notes : The screenshots have been taken with a short modlist I threw together that uses Community Shaders.
Thank you
- To Phoenix and her server (TPF), cause they were my gateway into Skyrim modding.
- Lively and Umgak because without them I’d probably still be afraid to use xEdit.
- The Aetherius Modding Discord for much of the same reason as TPF.
- SkyblivionDee and Rebelzize cause watching their streams got me into this trouble.
- And lastly, but not least, Monty cause if he wasn’t not been the man on the proverbial grandstands as I built my mod, I’d probably would not have the courage to even post this.