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About this mod

Young adventurous Breton, Edwore Hawkfield, set foot in Skyrim and after many years and numerous adventures, he found an ancient Nordic ruin he converted to a cozy home to return from his expeditions. Under the tundra sky it sits, a brief respite from adventures.

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Edwore Hawkfield, a Breton from Rivenspire, found an ancient Nordic ruin in the open tundra. He along with his then fellow adventurer, later on spouse, rebuilt the decrepit ruin into a cozy home, with all the basic things an adventurer and scholar could need. In one fateful day, as he came out of the Sleeping Giant Inn, intent to travel to Falkreath, only to see a giant shadow fly over Bleak Falls Burrow. A dragon. He rushed after it, the last time he was seen. The only thing left of him a journal that fell from his pouches at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the Sleeping Giant's Inn.


  • A nice cozy double bed and beds for followers.
  • Smithy, Alchemy Lab, Enchanting table (Edwore was a kind of jack of all trades).
  • A nice kitchen.
  • A couple of chests and containers.
  • A water trough for the horse(s).


  • If something touches the Tamriel cell the outside of the house is located, then it’s not compatible. Or at least not compatible without a patch.
  • I had some mod lists on my PC to try it out, it seemed that lists that used a version of Skyrim older than 1.6.1170 (further reading seems to suggest modlists for versions older than 1.6.1130) needed to have BEES in them for the mod to run.

  • Since it has a Tamriel component, you might need to re-run DynDOLOD to avoid pop-ins.


This is essentially my first complete* mod. Been messing around with CK for about a year and a half, almost two. I had been watching a lot of Skyblivion landscaping and interior designing streams, and it kinda drew my interest and decided to see if I could learn how to use the CK and several hundred hours later (a couple half-finished exterior projects) here we are.

This house was inspired by a similar house I remember someone made in the Riverwood area. I can’t remember how its interior was, or how the exterior was exactly, but I did remember they used Nordic Dwelling asset. So, I used that and went for it, as well as daring for the first time to touch Tamriel and its navmesh (used Darkfox’s YouTube video for it).

*Initially I wanted to have a proper quest showing the player to the house, but after making the quest for some reason I could not make the quest work if I installed the mod in another modlist. Further troubleshooting it actually had me breaking the questline for the mod tools list I was using to build it (*awkward smile*). I’ve been fussing about it for a while now, until I decided to escort this house mod, as is, out the door and just keep trying to learn more about quest making in CK. I also have a couple of ideas to make a few more “immersion” additions to it down the line, but they also require me to learn some more stuff about CK and questing.

Notes : The screenshots have been taken with a short modlist I threw together that uses Community Shaders.

Thank you

- To Phoenix and her server (TPF), cause they were my gateway into Skyrim modding.
- Lively and Umgak because without them I’d probably still be afraid to use xEdit.
- The Aetherius Modding Discord for much of the same reason as TPF.
- SkyblivionDee and Rebelzize cause watching their streams got me into this trouble.
- And lastly, but not least, Monty cause if he wasn’t not been the man on the proverbial grandstands as I built my mod, I’d probably would not have the courage to even post this.