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Created by

Bad Witch

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About this mod

Yggdrasil ENB is an ENB made using NAT III as a base weather then a few more weather effects on-top of it, it hangs in between fantasy and realism but mainly realism. It isn't too overly vibrant or dark, but depending on your preference please feel free to modify it to your liking if you know how.

Permissions and credits
Yggdrasil ENB was made using NAT III as the base weather mod, with some extra weather effects on-top to make it feel a little more unique. It’s kind of a mix between realism and fantasy but leans more toward realism overall.

The colors and lighting aren’t super vibrant or dark, it’s balanced to look natural without being too over-the-top.

You’ll notice the realism mainly in the atmosphere and lighting that makes it more natural coloured but still fantasy-like. It’s meant to be subtle but still stand out in its own way.

If you want something that works for exploration, screenshots, or just casual gameplay, this ENB should fit pretty well.

Of course, if there’s something you don’t like or you want to make it match your own style, feel free to tweak it however you want. And with the ENB you ARE allowed to upload your own modifications as different editions of Yggdrasil ENB as long as you state it is a modification of this ENB and link the original in the description.

Also feel free to make your own ReShades for Yggdrasil as I'd love to see people expanding Yggdrasil's look in their own unique and lovely ways!