Iron-Scales (Argonian) and
Cinder-Tail (Khajiit)
Beast Race Followers
First encountering one another in competition for coin years ago, the rival mercenaries found themselves forced into an uneasy partnership through a joint contract. After barely escaping the job with their lives, the cold-blooded Argonian and the fiery-tempered Khajiit discovered a new-found respect in each other as men and warriors, forming an unbreakable bond. As brothers, the two travel together, perfecting their skills in combat and searching for the meaning of true strength. Their quest has led them to the frozen north, where the conflict-ridden land of Skyrim promises opportunity of honor and gold. But recent rumors of the Dragonborn have sparked an even greater interest . . .


To make them look like this I recommend using these mods:
One simple step with SSE NIF Optimizer by ousnius will do the trick to convert this mesh.
- Masculine Khajiit Textures by MONSTERaider
- Masculine Argonian Textures by MONSTERaider
- Improved Eyes Skyrim (replacer version) by Nazenn

- Both of them are well trained in both, light and heavy armor, so they would wear whatever you give them.
- They love to fight in very close melee combat with two-handed weapons, using bow only in emergency.
- Iron-Scales prefers using warhammer (ignores some points of armor).
- Cinder-Tail prefers using battleaxe (inflicts bleeding damage).
- Iron-Scales has special ability to spray poison on his opponents.
- Cinder-Tail has ability to make his opponents flee in terror.
- They will not affect your stealth meter nor trigger pressure plates.
- They will also level up with you.
- Both are essential and available for marriage.
- They can be recruited individually, and you can find them in Morthal, close to the lumber mill.
Download and install this mod with NMM, or manually download and extract into your data folder.
Big THANKS to Bethesda for creating this amazing game.
Very special thanks goes to HelloNeko for collaboration on this mod.
Thank you for stopping by, and as always HAVE FUN!

Rimron Adael standalone male Altmer follower
Falien Greenrun Bosmer Male Follower
Baloth Telvem Standalone Dunmer Male Follower
Shazan Gruor Orsimer Male Follower
Fatil Rantan Falmer Male Follower
Daznak Tatvar Dwemer Male Follower
Pagavus Dremora Follower and Summon
Erniz Redguard Vampire Male Follower