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About this mod

Revised MCM menu based on MCM Helper for EVG CLAMBER by Everglaid. Saves and loads settings automatically so you don't have to!

Permissions and credits
This is a new MCM menu for EVG CLAMBER to allow for settings to be saved and loaded automatically.
Works on new and old saves.
No plugin.
Inspired by MaskedRPGFan's Settings Loader series. There hasn't been one made for EVG CLAMBER so rather than waiting for someone else to do it I just made one myself.

MCM Helper
PapyrusUtil SE

Install, enable, change the settings to your liking, done.

Made for version 1.0 of EVG CLAMBER.

Everglaid, miken1ke and Ershin for EVG CLAMBER.
Parapets for MCM Helper.
MaskedRPGFan as I used their Settings Loader series as reference to making this.

Enjoy! :3