About this mod
You shall pass now. (Aka allows you to open doors with fus roh dah)
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- Changelogs
Now you can open doors with your ever powerful thu'um. :)
Here is a video of where the idea came from:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does this mod do?
A: First, watch the video. Second, Unrelenting Force can force doors open, even locked ones.
Q: Will this open doors that need a key?
A: No.
Q: Isn't this feature terribly imbalanced?
A: No, since lockpicking is easy it really doesn't matter. The concept makes sense, and older games let you bash locks open with weapons or use magic to unlock stuff.
Q: Why won't it work on chests?
A: I think it does . . .
Q: Are there any incompatibilities?
A: No, your shout will work on any door.
Q: How do I install?
A: Use a mod manager, or extract the contents into your "Data" folder.
Q: How do I uninstall?
A:Go into the console and type in both commands:
------------- stopquest FRDUpdateAliases
------------- stopquest FRDDoorAliases
And uninstall by mod manager
Or B:If you decide to install manually delete the .esp and scripts.
Q: Help, none of the doors are opening!
A: Relax, just wait a few seconds for the scripts to update. If the door has open bars, then maybe you should think about where you're aiming.
Q: Why won't the Expert and Master doors open?
A: They will eventually, if you keep hounding at them. Get a couple servings of Talos Blessing and you can shout more.
Q: Why do the doors sometimes open TOWARDS me when I shout? This isn't immerisve nor realistic!
A: Doors only open one way. It would be cool to have the force of the shout blow the door off its hinges, the wood splintering into a million pieces that'll impale the foolish vampire standing in your way, but it requires a ton of effort: working around the game engine instead of working with it. This mod works with it just fine.
Other Mods:
Thundering Shouts:

Click here
Shout warnings removed from guards:

Click Here