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About this mod

Additions and bug fixes for moose109's Creation Club - Misc Patches.

Permissions and credits
Initial release covers Saints & Seducers.

Saints & Seducers

Main Changes

  • Worn Dark Seducer armor and weapons can now be repaired to their standard versions at a reduced material cost (compared to crafting a new piece).
  • Worn Golden Saint armor and weapons can now be repaired to their standard versions at a reduced material cost (compared to crafting a new piece).
Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered
  • Added a condition to all recipes so they can be toggled as Creation Club recipes in the CCOR MCM.
  • Added a condition to all Golden Saints armor and weapons so they are subject to CCOR's "Skill Requirement for Gold Smithing" option (requires Smithing 60, by default, but adjustable in the MCM).
  • Added additional ingot recipes for Amber and Madness Ore to support CCOR's "Ingot Production" options. This is considered a bug fix, as without these additional recipes, smelting these ores was not always possible, depending on your MCM settings.