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About this mod

Novice conjuration spell enhancements.

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This is a simple mod, buff one of the early conjuration wolf spell (Familiar) making it useful. This is a cool summon i feel like its under rated so lets give it some love. The familiar should now level up with the player with starting level of 5, will level up with the player all the way to 100. Everybody should have this spell tome, if not the spell location should be here The College of Winterhold is the primary location to find Conjuration spells, including Conjure Familiar. If you play as a Breton, you will automatically have access to the Conjure Familiar spell from the beginning of the game.Buffs:Level: 5 to 100 (Levels With Player).Health: 352.
Stamina 220.
Fortify Unarmed Damage 20%.It should look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUgvpbtPEik