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Yoiiru - Foamimi

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About this mod

Unofficial update to Teldryn Sero Dialogue Expansion that includes fixes, tweaked conditions, and new lines.

Permissions and credits
Hello! I wanted to tweak Teldryn Sero Dialogue Expansion a bit to reduce the frequency of some of the lines, as well as several other tweaks and fixes I'll list below. All credits go to Yoiiru for continuing the project I started years ago. <3


- This addon is an ESPFE and is in plugin format 1.70, so it should work with older versions of Skyrim SE.
- Altered almost every single dialogue option with new conditions ranging from random percentage rolls, locations, NPCs, and more.

Tweaked examples include:

  • Almost every single idle comment now has a 24 in-game hour cool-down timer, compared to 3 to 5 hours (average) as to the original.
  • Almost every single comment now has a random percentage roll to lessen the frequency.
  • Some comments had their location conditions changed to prevent overlap with other idles that were similar.
  • Some comments had their location conditions expanded upon to include Dawnguard-related locations.
  • Comments that have references to NPCs, such as Heimskr (new!), Rolff Stone-Fist, Grelod the Kind (new!), Argis the Bulwark, etc. have had their distance triggers increased.
  • The new dialogue branches added by the original mod are now restricted to only being accessible while Teldryn is currently following you.
  • The new dialogue branch, "How come you always wear your helmet?" now requires Teldryn to actually be wearing a helmet for it to appear.
  • Removed the quest condition limitation of being prohibited while sneaking. This was done so certain idles were no longer blocked (ie.
    vampire feeding)

Fixed examples include:

  • Added a .SEQ file to help ensure the dialogue quest starts every time.
  • Incorporated the fix provided in the comments section regarding the lover dialogue branch to ensure it appears between. Thank you Kittni!
  • Fixed several conditions that were directed to the player ref instead of the subject (Teldryn).
  • Fixed capitalization for one line (ie. "Any thoughts? comments?" ---> "Any thoughts? Comments?").
  • Fixed cannibalism condition trigger, so now certain lines will play if the player has eaten someone.
  • Fixed nudity condition triggers, so now Teldryn will no longer comment on bareness while the player is in werewolf or vampire lord form.

- Added 3 new lines left over from my old splicing folder.
- Reduced the frequency in Teldryn's vanilla idles to be more in-line with the mod's additions.
- Subtitle fixes from Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - USSEP have been forwarded, but the mod itself is not required.

A combo patch is available for Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE and Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM.

NOTE - I could not for the life of me figure out the scripting to add fade-to-black scenes to the lover dialogue branch responses, nor add Lover's Comfort post-scene. If anyone can figure it out, though, feel free to share it either here or on a separate page! That'd be fantastic!


Either one of these mods will allow for the Relationship Rank 4 comments to appear, as in vanilla, you cannot normally trigger them without console commands!

A Serious Wedding - Teldryn Sero Marriage Mod SSE --- by Undriel
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE --- by cloudedtruth


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Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim --- by Nukem - perchik71
SSEEdit --- by ElminsterAU and the xEdit team