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Tags for this mod

About this mod

skse plugin that adds tags to names of quest items or newly acquired items so they are easier to see in your inventory.

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This is a pretty simple mod. An skse plugin that adds tags to names of quest items or newly acquired items so they are easier to see in your inventory.

I'm one of those players that has to pick up every item they see. Sometimes an npc will give me an item for a quest and I'll immediately forget what they gave me and have to go hunting through my inventory to find the item or re-do the dialogue. This mod fixes that. 

You can configure the mod with the ini file: Data\SKSE\Plugins\QOLItemTags.ini 
You can set what the recent or quest tags are. If you want one of them not to be added to items, just set it to empty like so "sQuestTag=" without the qoutes. 
iNumOfRecentItemsDisplayed sets how many new items are tracked and have tags added to. Default is 5. 

This could conflict with other mods that change item names at run time with script if they do not take into account the current item's name. Otherwise should be compatible with everything.

Add to your data folder. 
To uninstall remove QOLItemTags.ini and QOLItemTags.dll from Data\SKSE\Plugins


Address Library for SKSE Plugins

Bethesda for creating Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls.
Danijel Durakovic for c++ mINI ini reader / writer.
powerofthree for  CommonLibSSE
Meridiano For accurate GetItemCount function in c++
 mrowrpurr's excellent tutorial series on creating SKSE plugins
Ryan-rsm-McKenzie for CommonLib
CharmedBaryon for CommonLibSSE NG
Noname365 aka Judah for setting logs to print function names and general help with c++

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