About this mod
Floral overhaul of Solstheim
Two parts apocalypse, one part fantasy
Shaken, not stirred
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
- This mod overhauls the flora of Solstheim (mainly southern Solstheim) using Base Object Swapper
- .ini file ONLY
- NO landscape edits
- NO records edited
- NO scripts
- NO patching required
- Base Object Swapper
- The Cause (technically optional, but required if you want harrada root, spiddal stick and bloodgrass)
- Daedric Shrines - All in One (technically optional, but required if you want a statue)
- Skyrim v1.6.1130 (technically optional, but required if you want aloe vera)
- A high quality grass mod for Solstheim (mod images use Freak's Floral Solstheim)
- Aloe and Agave - Alternative Textures
- Root Weeds Redone
- CS Lights
- Either 3W's - More lights for ENB SE - Mania tileset or Saints and Seducers Flora ENB Light
- Kanjs - Dunmer Plinths Shrine Animated
A straightforward, no-hassle landscape improvement mod: .ini file ONLY. Integrates under-utilised assets and alchemy ingredients into the wider world of Skyrim. Mod replaces repetitive base game flora and repetitive objects in (mostly southern) Solstheim with:
- (more) fire craters and flaming rock debris
- (more) burning and smoking pine trees
- (more) burning and smoking fallen logs
- (more) burning and smoking bushes
- (more) mushrooms
- (more) tombstones
- Flame stalks, screaming maw, thorn hook, rot scale and root weeds (Light Placer / ENB light ready)
- Harrada root, bloodgrass, spiddal stick, and dying spiddal stick (requires The Cause)
- Aloe vera plant (requires Skyrim v1.6.1130)
Mod also creates a variety of different scenes, including:
- A shipwreck (credits Solstheim Cataclysm)
- Bridge to Tel Mithryn (credits Tel Mithryn Bridge)
- Plinth shrines worship
- Burning carts
- Large Daedric statue atop Highpoint Tower (requires Daedric Shrines - All in One). The .ini is designed so users can choose one of six daedric statues (Vaermina, Mephala, Hermaeus Mora, Molag Bal, Azura or Meridia). Image shows Vaermina
- Completely configurable. Users can remove, reduce frequency, alter size and / or move any object. Knowledge of Base Object Swapper is helpful.
Installation and Uninstallation
Use the mod manager of your choice to install. Or manually (in your Data folder). To uninstall, remove with mod manager. My understanding is that BOS will not impact save games in any way. Safe to install or uninstall at anytime.
- Should be compatible with the vast majority of other mods