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Kreiste x tatururutia

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About this mod

A set of a tactical outfit befitting of a royal spymaster.

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  • A set of clothing, plus mantle/cape of Scaled Armor tier. They all have "Crimson Falcon" prefix. Also comes with an Elven-tier dagger.
  • The design is based of the eponymous Crimson Falcon from the mobile game Sword of Convallaria.
  • They can be crafted at the forge if you have Advanced Armors perk (including the dagger).
  • BodySlide support for CBBE (3BA/3BBB), and HIMBO. Type "Crimson Falcon" in the search bar or pick from the Outfit Groups to locate them in Bodyslide.
  • Not compatible with vanilla body. HOWEVER, the male version is built with HIMBO Vanilla preset to mimic vanilla body (so you won't look scrawny at max weight without OBody). So assuming you wear all items, you should see no gaps. 
  • Plugin flagged as ESL with 1.7 header so you need BEES if you're still on 1.5.97 like me.

Kreiste's Armor Series

Kreiste's Suits of the Seasons Series

