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About this mod

This mod allows you to make almost any NPC into a merchant. This include followers, children, and even some animals. Once you make an NPC into a merchant, you can have them work at their own merchant stall, placed wherever you like. Control what they sell and how their inventory resets.

Permissions and credits
Make any NPC into a merchant (almost). 
Any playable race, child, and the following animals can be made into merchants: dog, goat, fox, mudcrab, skeever, frostbite spider, rabbit, death hound (basically pets of skyrim cc plus dogs and whatever you're adopted kids tend to bring home).

There is a dead merchant near the entrance to Embershard Mine which contains a Merchant Hat! and a few spells

Add Merchants
While wearing the hat potential merchants will have a dialogue option to make them into a merchant.
You can also use one of the spells to make an NPC into a merchant. 
Children and Animals must be enabled in the MCM before you can make them merchants. 

Remove Merchants
All merchants have a dialogue option to dismiss them, first select "Let's talk about your business"
There is also a spell that can be used to dismiss merchants.

Once you've made some merchants, they will have two items in their inventory, a merchant stall and and a home warming rug. Place both by activating them from your inventory. 

Merchant Stall
Each merchant stall has a map marker (when placed outside). 
Once placed, the owning merchant will work at this stall from 8am-8pm everyday. Throughout the day, they will occasionally walk around the stall to tidy up and check on things, but they will not go far. On either side of the stall is an activator that lets you control a few things. You can use it to pick up the stall, enable/disable the merchant working at the stall (in case you need them for something), and add/remove items to the junk filter (see below). 
Animal merchants can't/wont work at merchant stalls. 

Home Warming Rug *only works in interior cells*
Place the Home Warming Rug in any place that you want it's owning merchant to live. They will sleep from 12am-6am and sandbox the rest of the time. Like the merchant stall, there is an activator in the center of the rug that lets you pick it up, enable/disable the merchant living at this location (in case you need them), change the design of the rug (4 choices!), and add/remove items to the junk filter (see below). 
Animal merchants can't/wont use the Home Warming Rugs. 

Choose what the merchant sells
You can choose from six merchant types: blacksmith, spell vendor, apothecary, general goods, tailor/jeweler, and innkeeper (just the food and drinks).
There is a setting in the MCM for 'overstocked' merchants, which adds more of the same types of things. 
There are a number of options to specify exactly what you want the merchants to sell.

Junk Filter
You can sell junk from your inventory automatically. There is a dialogue option in "Lets talk about your business" and you can enable an auto sell feature everytime you barter with a managed merchant. Just put one of an item (ex iron dagger) in the junk filter (accessible from merchant stalls/Home Warming Rugs) and those items will be automatically sold from your inventory. 

Choose how the merchant resets their inventory.
Reset between visits
Reset every 1-7 days
Reset when the merchants gold drops below 20% or when they have less than 10% of their stock
Reset using hot keys while you're buying. 
You can even reset unmanaged vanilla merchants!

Adds a bunch of new (poorly written) dialogue. 

Any NPCs that share a voice actor with an existing merchant will use the corresponding merchant lines when you barter with them. Not getting anything other than "Take a look," try changing the type of merchant!

Use your favorite mod manager and you're all set.

It is not recommended to uninstall mods mid playthrough. However, if you must uninstall, dismiss all merchants first and save. You should be good to uninstall from there.

Other than putting the dead merchant in the game, no vanilla files were harmed during the making of this mod. But seriously, this mod doesn't edit any vanilla files so it should be compatible with anything. It does use a few leveled lists, so anything that modifies those could impact the merchant types that use them. However, if something is modifying these leveled lists, its probably adding to them, like some of the AE-CC content does. So you'll just have more stuff to choose from.