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About this mod

Implements a fully voiced missing lockpicking training dialogue for Ra'zhinda, a member of Ma'dran's caravan. ESP-FE.

Permissions and credits

Ra'zhinda is a khajiit warrior who travels with Ma'dran's trade caravan between Solitude and Windhelm.

Her factions and class indicate she was planned by Bethesda to be an expert lockpicking skill trainer. However, no such dialogue was recorded for FemaleKhajiit voicebank, leaving this functionality impossible to trigger. Until now.

Aside recreating a FemaleKhajiit version of Ma'jhad's line, I added a new lore-friendly variation of the dialogue to make her speech a bit less stale.

Technical stuff

* Fully compatible with Skyrim 1.5.97 and up, no BEES needed.
* Plugin is flagged as ESP-FE and will take one of 4096 "light" FE slots.
* Safe to install and uninstall at any time.


This mod is a standalone snippet from my M.E.I. - Maven Elenwen Ingun - Followers and Spouses - Quest Expansion Plus project and is already included in there. In other words, if you have M.E.I., you don't need this.

Standalone version requested by Anon.