About this mod
An SKSE plugin that adds new console commands to allow you to view log files in the console menu in game.
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An SKSE plugin that adds new console commands to allow you to view log files in the console menu in game.
New commands:
Get and print the available log file path's and their number indexes for use with the other commands.
Print the log file at the index of the log file path from GetLogFiles. e.g type "ViewLogFile 0"
Track the log file at the index of file path from GetLogFiles. e.g type "TrackLogFile 0"
This means the log file is auto printed to the console whenever you open the console menu in game.
The tracked file is also saved externally to the ConsoleLogViewer.ini file, so if you quit and load your game the file will still be tracked.
;Stop tracking the log file previously tracked with the TrackLogFile command.
You can configure the mod with the ini file: Data\SKSE\Plugins\ConsoleLogViewer.ini
You can change the commands and some other things such as the folders to pull log files from and the log level of this mod.
Should be compatible with just about everything. I don't use a mod organizer though so I'm not sure how it will play with those.
Add to your data folder.
To uninstall remove ConsoleLogViewer.ini and ConsoleLogViewer.dll from Data/SKSE/Plugins
Address Library for SKSE Plugins
Bethesda for creating Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls.
Danijel Durakovic for c++ mINI ini reader / writer.
powerofthree for CommonLibSSE
Meridiano For accurate GetItemCount function in c++
mrowrpurr's excellent tutorial series on creating SKSE plugins
Ryan-rsm-McKenzie for CommonLib
CharmedBaryon for CommonLibSSE NG
Noname365 aka Judah for setting logs to print function names and general help with c++
Github Source