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About this mod

A simple Base Object Swapper file that removes ELFX's fake lighting surrounding the glowing mushrooms in Frostflow Abyss.

Permissions and credits
If you use Enhanced Lights and FX, it places fake light meshes on the glowing mushrooms of Frostflow Abyss. This is fine in a mostly vanilla game, but nowadays, powerful utilities such as Community Shaders and ENB provide dynamic lighting to supported meshes. Unfortunately, if you use a mod such as Mari's Flora or any equivalent that gives the glowing mushrooms a dynamic light, ELFX's fake light completely ruins the effect in this area.

In detail, I've used Base Object Swapper's Transform function to flag the FXGlowFillRoundMid and FXGlowFillRoundBRT statics as disabled strictly in the Frostflow Abyss location. Despite creating the mod for Enhanced Lights and FX, if you have a different mod that does the same thing, it will still work assuming the mod utilizes the previously mentioned statics.

Requires Base Object Swapper. Technically doesn't require Enhanced Lights and FX, but as far as I'm aware, only that mod places these statics within Frostflow Abyss.

Compatible with anything other than mods altering the location reference of Frostflow Abyss (this is very rare).

Just drop it into your data folder. It's perfectly safe to install at any time.

Just delete it from your data folder. It's perfectly safe to remove at any time.

My Other Mods:
Expanded Spells of Skyrim
Sun Magic Overhaul - Consistency Patches
Better Dynamic Snow - Embershard Mines Log Fix - BOS