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Simple Patch to make Custom Skill Menu work correctly and some addons based on vanilla menu names.

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Simple Patch to make Custom Skill Menu work correctly and some addons based on vanilla menu names.

The original CSM addon was written in mistake,because it wrote sksename as menuname and menuname as sksename.Thus,it does not work at all.

Here also provides 3 more addons based on vanilla menu,2 of them are somehow in cheating type.

1.Appearance Addon:easily get into Race-sex menu to edit player's appearance.

2.Console Addon:easily get into console menu.

3.Favorites Addon:the one I think isn't cheating and somehow works like Wheeler way.

BTW,if anyone knows how to write a MCM addon plz call me.I search for the source to find nothing that could be written into "papyrusevent" or "sksename".Maybe just I searched too quickly.

Suggested:Swiftly Order Squad - Tween Menu Overhaul at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
Tween Menu Overhaul - Character Sheet at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community