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Version 1.0.2
Bug Fix: Fixed vanilla sneak indicator visibility MCM setting not being updated correctly on save/load.
Bug Fix: Delayed Infinity UI requirements check on save/load in attempt to resolve misleading "Missing requirements" warning message
Version 1.0.1
General: Improved depth sorting of vanilla HUD elements
MCM: Added inverse detection level behavior mode
Bug Fix: Fixed menu visibility not being updated correctly for SkyHUD users
Version 1.0
Release Version
No donations accepted
Adds a vignette effect to the screen while the player is sneaking. Vignette will smoothly transition between sneak states. Widescreen support included.
Configurable via the MCM: > Set vignette intensity > Set vignette color > Set vignette behavior mode > Toggle vanilla sneak indicator visibility
BEHAVIOR MODES > Sneak State - Vignette intensity is based on player sneak state (Standing -> Sneaking) > Detection Level - Vignette intensity is based on player detection level (Hidden -> Detected)
Compatible with any HUD mod. This mod works best with a 60 FPS hudmenu.swf file. Using a 24 or 30 FPS menu file will reduce the smoothness of the vignette transitions. A 60 FPS hudmenu.swf for vanilla HUD users is included under optional files.