I wanted to share ways for a better experience in Skyrim SE. I hope that many of you will help you achieve more FPS and reduce the amount of stuttering.
Download ENBoost for Fallout 4* from ENB site:
*Also works in SSE - Boris told me on his forum was it safe to use ENBoost for F4 to SSE because both have the same engine, (my nick there is Caius Cosades) and I agree with this because after more than 100h tests (I created a new character three weeks ago who now has 80 level) I did not notice any problems.
Installation - unzip "enbseries_fallout4_v0283" and copy three files from patch directory:
to the folder where SkyrimSE.exe is.
You can change in enblocal.ini:
VideoMemorySizeMb=XXXX (Mb)
...by this recipe:
in brief:
VideoMemorySizeMb= your system RAM plus your VRAM minus 6 Gb, and give the result in Mb (1 GB = 1024 Mb etc.)
Example: 8 GB RAM + 2GB VRAM - 6 GB = 4 Gb -> 4096 Mb
then VideoMemorySizeMb=4096
PS. if your card has at least 6-8GB of VRAM (and monitor is 1080p) you do not have to change this value even with 4k textures ! (then all you need is VideoMemorySizeMb = Yours VRAM (95-99% amount) eg you have 6 Gb you set 6000 and when 8 GB is 8000 etc)
In SkyrimPrefs.ini* change this parameter:
iVSyncPresentInterval=1 to 0 ( [Display] section )
and add/change:
bMouseAcceleration=1 to 0 ( [Controls] section )
*Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition
Do not worry, VSYNC is still turned on because in enblocal.ini it is:
In Skyrim.ini** change this parameter:
**Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition
uExterior Cell Buffer=36 to 108
and add, also under [General] section:
uInterior Cell Buffer=12
after all it should look like this:
sLanguage=(your language)
uInterior Cell Buffer=12
uExterior Cell Buffer=108
...and other yours parameter like sIntroSequence= etc
In game Settings->Gameplay disable/uncheck Vibration and Controller (if you don't use pad ofc)
If you have CPU with at least 6 cores with HT / SMT technology, turn it OFF (HT/SMT) in BIOS. You can try it with "only" 4 cores, but you have to test yourself if it gives you an FPS increase and/or reducing the amount of stuttering.
Done :)
IMPORTANT: After running the SkyrimSE.exe for about 20-30 seconds you will have a black screen - it's normal !
PS. I have extra 5-10 FPS (even 15 !) and less stutter also zero CTD on my RX 560 OC 2 GB (1350/8000 MHZ) and old i3-3250 plus 8 Gb RAM (2x4 Gb DDR3 1600 MHz CL8). I hope that it will help you too. If so, do not forget to endorse :)
PS2. If you card have 2 GB VRAM and/or you have HDD drive (with Skyrim SE installed) I STRONGLY recommended this mod:
performance optimized textures for SSE
This texture is 1k (original is 2k) and if you have a 1080p or lower resolution monitor, you will not notice any difference in quality - only more FPS and less stutter/faster loading.