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About this mod

some changes I use for perks, in increments, increase minion count, summon duration, summon range, and range for runes.

Permissions and credits
Changes and Additions


I. Conjuration
-apprentice, adept, expert, master
raises minion count by 2,5,10,20 respectively in addition to default cost reduction

-summoner lvl 30,70,100
multiplies range minions can be created at by 4,20,100

-necromancy lvl 30, 50, 70, 90, 100
duration for minions is multiplied by 2,3,4,6,10

-twin souls
can posses unlimited minions

II. Destruction
-Rune Master lvl 80,100
can place runes 10,100 times father away

-----------------------------------------------------------------------When Available for SE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recommended Mods
It is recommended that you add any .esp with
spells or perks under the [mod inclusions] in the asis automaticperks.ini or automaticspells.ini, this makes all npc's who reach the correct requirements gain any spell or perk you can use.

[Midas Magic]
[skymomod extras conjuration]
[Worlds Dawn]
[conjuration madness]
[phenderix magic evolved]
[colorful magic]