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Oaristys and Raven

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About this mod

Adds Triss dress from The Witcher 3, in 13 colors, with gloves, sandals and jewelry.

Permissions and credits
  • Russian


(CBBE Bodyslide by docteur87 & Jeir, thanks to them!)



This mod adds Triss' Dress from the game The Witcher 3, for UNP body (or CBBE). It also adds her gloves, sandals and three pieces of jewelry (gold and silver): earrings, necklace and circlet. They are clothes and have no armour rate. You can buy everything at Radiant Raiments in Solitude and/or craft the dress/gloves/sandals at the tanning rack with linen and silver/quicksilver ingots.

• Original + 7 color variations
• Brocade + 4 colour variants
• Weight slider
• Ground models


• You can only craft the original dress, gloves and sandals, as well as their brocade counterparts.

• To change the colour, you have to go to the inventory, maintain CTRL-left pressed and equip the item. A menu will ask you what colour you want; when you choose one, the current item will be removed from your inventory and replaced with the new one, which will be automatically equiped. You can do this as many times as you want.

• If you enchant an item, you won't be able to change its colour anymore.

• If you still want several colours at once in your inventory, just craft the original item several times and change its colour afterwards, or buy every variant at Radiant Raiments.

• If you don't have SKSE64 running, you won't be able to open the menus, but you still can use the items without issues.


• Copy the files in your Data folder.
• Check TrissDress.esp in your mod manager.

As it modifies a merchant's container, you should make a bashed patch to avoid incompatibilities.


• There's clipping with the bottom of the dress when taking special poses (from pose mods) and some when running. I can't do better.


• MACHIIMACHII - Poupouris ENBs & Saraan Suum
• Halo's Pinup Poses
• zzjay - Women of Skyrim textures
• Dracofish - Pride of Valhalla
• Raven - Warpaints


• Don't reupload the mod as it is anywhere.
• Translations are welcome as long as you notice me and send me a link.
• The script is written by me and can be used freely without asking.


• My lil' sis' Semiramis for her help with extracting TW3 textures and scripting.
• Raven for her wonderful retexturations.
• Maeldun0 and zzjay for their precious help. Thank you so much girlz <3
• docteur87 & Jeir for their CBBE-Bodyslide conversion. Thank you for your work!


Nightasy for his VITAL tutorials.
JLouisB for his great tool RE/w2ent Converter and his attentive support.
• Phygit & Leito86 for FemFeet Redesigned

CD Projekt for their awesome work on The Witcher 3, and especially the one(s) who made this beautiful dress in the first place. ^^
The Witcher 3 meshes and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used with explicit permission.
The Witcher is a trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved.