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About this mod
Various patches and bug fixes for the Creation Kit to make life easier.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes .lip and .fuz plugin for xVASynth Get the FaceFXWrapper.exe file and put it alongside the other plugin files Demon Hunter Armour - SSE CBBE BodySlide For 1st person texture swaps. Use this and/or Engine Fixes. Runalip - (for .LIP and .FUZ generate) - voice acting Need FaceFXWrapper to folder SSE Creation Kit Fonixdata Lip Sync Fix Just download both files Xbox Port Tutorial For Beginners CK Fixes. See page 5 of the document. - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
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- Changelogs
Version 3.2
- - Add options to specify the default log window X/Y coordinates
- - Add experimental option "AllowMultipleMasters" to override bAllowMultipleMasterLoads in CK.ini (Enabled by default)
- - Add experimental option "EnableStateParentWorkaround" (Disabled by default)
- - Add experimental option "RefLinkGeometryHangWorkaround" (Disabled by default)
- - Add experimental option "VersionControlMergeWorkaround" (Disabled by default) (Thanks JonathanOstrus)
- - Option "MemoryPatch" is no longer optional and is always enforced
- - Option "ThreadingPatch" is no longer optional and is always enforced
- - Fix for crash when trying to load more than 32k animations
- - Fix for multiple dialog buttons erroneously showing "Push To Game is not supported"
- - Allow filtering of plugins in the "Data" dialog
- - Allow filtering of active/edited cell objects in the "Cell View" window
- - Allow users to hide the log window by default
- - Allow the CK to be used over remote desktop
- - Allow the CK to launch when legacy editors are also open (i.e Skyrim LE CK)
- - Automatically resize status bar segments depending on the main window dimensions
- - Other minor changes (blacklisted warnings, dark theme UI bug fixes)
Version 3.1
- - Fix for crash when an invalid snow material object is rendered
- - Fix for crash when MakeXYZCircles supplies an invalid line count for debug marker spheres
- - Raise the papyrus script editor text limit to 500k characters from 64k
- - Re-word error message when FlowChartX.dll fails to register
- - An assertion (fatal error) has been added when NiSkinInstance is missing a skeleton root node
- - An assertion (fatal error) has been added when a memory allocation fails (hopefully to diagnose facegen)
- - Minor changes to the dark theme (UI bug fixes)
Version 3.0
- - Add experimental option "UIHotkeys" to allow rebinding some render window hotkeys (Disabled by default, see INI comment)
- - Option "UIDarkTheme" is no longer marked as experimental
- - Fix for crash when plugins.txt is present in the game root folder
- - Fix for the "Bright Light Color" option having incorrect colors in the preferences window
- - Fix for the "Dialogue Branch" dialog showing corrupted starting topic strings
- - Allow the "PlayerKnows" conditional function to accept enchantments as a function parameter
- - Other minor changes
Version 2.9
- - Fix for references randomly not saving when using the "AllowMasterESP" option
- - Fix for the "Race" dialog not saving "Specials" if the list box was empty and a new spell was added
- - Fix for a memory leak after opening many "Actor" dialog windows
- - An assertion (fatal error) has been added when using a graphics card that doesn't support D3D11 features
- - An assertion (fatal error) when a file exceeds 4GB has been replaced with a warning
Version 2.8
- - Option "RefrHandleLimitPatch" has been removed and is now always enabled
- - Fix for crash when saving a plugin with an empty single track file path in a Music Track form
- - Fix for crash when tab control buttons are deleted
- - Fix for yet another crash when cell references are added/removed during initialization
- - Fix for crash when using "Freeze the camera" (3 key) in the render window (regression from fog c146416)
- - Fix for the TESClass edit dialog not filling in the "Training" checkbox
- - More warnings are now blacklisted by default after using xEdit QAC
- - Font name is now truncated when reading the INI file
- - Startup time has been marginally improved
- - Minor changes to the dark theme
- - Various other small bugs fixed
Version 2.7
- - Add experimental option "UIDarkTheme" to enable an editor dark theme (Disabled by default)
- - Option "RefrHandleLimitPatch" is no longer marked as experimental
- - Fix for crash when too much geometry is present in the scene
- - Fix for land vertex normals becoming corrupted when saving worldspaces with a parent worldspace
- - Fix for regression in 2.6 where IOPatch might trigger an assertion
- - Fix for regression in 1.X where ExperimentalPatchOptimizations might cause crashes
- - Use a stable sort when listing perk entries in the perk window
- - Log a warning when a cloned NiCollisionObject has no name specified in its NIF file
- - Resize Reference Edit dialog for better tab control spacing
Version 2.6
- - Fix for the load order list in the "Data" window reading plugins.txt from the wrong path
- - Fix for incorrect pointer truncation assertion while saving ESP files w/ certain conditions
- - Fix for the "Actor Flags" or "Actor Behavior" dialogs not showing their column headers
- - Fix for water not rendering correctly when using the orthographic camera view
- - The log window has been moved to its own separate thread
- - Miscellaneous small changes (debug only)
Version 2.5
- - Updated to support version 1.5.73 of the Creation Kit (Special thanks to JonathanOstrus for finally getting me to do this)
- - Default warning blacklist updated for current game files
Version 2.4
- - Option "EnableLandShadows" has been removed and is now always enabled
- - Option "WarningBlacklist" added to allow filtering certain warnings (Disabled by default, see INI for info)
- - Add checkboxes in the "Object Window" and "Cell View" windows to filter by active forms
- - Fix for crash when duplicating a form with an empty editor id
- - Fix some object selection bugs introduced in v2.3
- - Minor improvements to exe startup time
Version 2.3
- - Option "RenderWindowFog" has been removed and is now always enabled
- - Fix for Object Palette "Conform to slope" placing objects with random angles
- - Fix for memory leak while reopening/resizing preview windows (ex. Havok, Object Palette)
- - Native UI toggles for fog now function correctly (View menu, Ctrl+F5)
- - "Should have been converted offline" log spam has been removed
Version 2.2
- - Add hack/experimental option "EnableLandShadows" to force draw land shows (Disabled by default, see INI comment)
- - Option "LooseFileCache" has been removed and is now always enabled
- - Fix for Object Palette window preview not working
- - Fix for land vertex normals appearing corrupted in worldspaces with a parent worldspace
- - Fix for crash when cell references are added/removed during initialization
- - Fix for occasional ghosting issue when RenderWindowFog was used
- - Other minor UI tweaks/debug additions
Version 2.1
- - Fix for an actor's VoiceType being reset/removed due to a regression in version 2.0
- - Fix for a package's "Selected Package Data" combo box not having a selected value when using a Topic type
- - Option "LooseFileCache" added to cache loose file information during the initial splash screen, improving load times (Enabled by default)
- - Option "OutputFile" added to print CK log output to a file (Disabled by default)
- - Option "AllowSaveESM" reworked to properly generate ONAM overrides and allow ESMs to be set as the active file during load
- - Option "RenderWindowFog" is no longer marked as experimental
- - Option "DisableExportTGA" under FaceGen is now enabled by default
Version 2.0
- - Add option "DisableWindowGhosting" to disable unresponsive window ghosting (Disabled by default)
- - Fix for weapon critical effect data (CRDT) being destroyed when upgrading from form version <= 43 to form version 44
- - Fix for incorrect behavior with certain actor values in the "Perk Entry" window
- - Fix for crash after erasing an iterator and dereferencing it in "InventoryChanges" code
- - Fix for crash when editing a spell effect with a large (>= 1,000,000,000) duration
- - Fix for possible crash when using "Move to topic" in a quest dialogue view
- - Improve batch navmesh autogeneration speed
- - Increase batch navmesh cell limit to 100,000
- - Miscellaneous performance improvements and UI tweaks
Version 1.9
- - Add option "FaceFXDebugOutput" for troubleshooting LIP file generation (Disabled by default)
- - Fix "File in use" dialog causing a UI hang after hitting cancel
- - Fix crash when trying to use "Test Radius" on a reference's "3D Data" dialog tab
- - Eliminate UI lag when switching worldspaces in the "Cell View" window
Version 1.8
- - Add experimental option "RenderWindowFog" to enable fog (Disabled by default)
- - Remove experimental options "DeferredDialogLoad" and "FaceGenBatchSpeedup" as they are always enabled now
- - Fix crash/broken behavior when using the dialogue view flowchart editor
- - Fix crash when the "Unable to find variable" warning would exceed the buffer size
- - Fix crash when using incompatible textures (Replaced with an assertion)
Version 1.7
- - Speed up Cell View window refresh when selecting cells with many objects
- - Fix for water type properties not being updated in the render view window
- - Fix for crash when duplicating worldspaces
- - Fix for undo not working when editing terrain
- - Other minor UI speed improvements
Version 1.6
- - Add experimental option "FaceGenBatchSpeedup" to significantly speed up batched NPC face exports (Disabled by default)
- - Fix for crash in FaceGen when using more than 16 tint masks
- - Fix for crash when connecting to in certain cities/countries
- - Add missing log warning hook
Version 1.5
- - Fix for crash when saving a NPC with null perks set (i.e DianaVampire2017Asherz.esp)
- - Fix for NPC perk ranks being reset to 1 on save
- - Fix for forms being potentially duplicated in saved plugins
- - Fix for sporadic crash with NavMeshInfoMap (saving, use-after-free)
- - DataFiles.txt logs are now redirected to the log window
- - Use better default sizing for the "Use Report" window
Version 1.4
- - Fix for TESModelTextureSwap being incorrectly loaded
- - Fix for "UnEquip Sound" button when using the weapon edit dialog
- - Fix for incorrect NavMesh assertion while saving certain ESP files (i.e 3DNPC.esp)
- - Fix for potential crash when saving certain ESP files (i.e 3DNPC.esp)
- - Fix for potential crash related to Havok
- - Make version check more robust
- - Ported the updated "Data" dialog sizing from the F4CK
Version 1.3
- - Add experimental option for doubling the reference handle limit ("Out of array handle entries") (Disabled by default)
- - Add option to disable NIF output on FaceGen export
- - Remove ExperimentalOptimization option as it is now always enabled
- - Fix crash with Quest Dialogs & DeferredDialogLoad
- - Load speed improvements with certain large ESP files
- - Fix random crash on CK exit
Version 1.2
- - Compatibility fix for MO2 on Windows 7/8 (Hook collision fix)
- - Add INI option for generating crash dumps, enabled by default
- - Minor log changes
- - Fix for string corruption in batch action window
Version 1.1
- - DLL has been changed from d3d9.dll to winhttp.dll **PLEASE DELETE D3D9.DLL FIRST**
- Fixes for various assertions
- Fix render window object selection not syncing with cell view
- Fix inability to select certain objects in the render window (snow, ash, ice, ...)
- Fix possible UI hang when using the dialogue recording function
- Fix bug where LIP files may not be overwritten correctly
- Speed up closing the CK by skipping many destructors
- More dev/debug-only options in the Extensions menu
- - DLL has been changed from d3d9.dll to winhttp.dll **PLEASE DELETE D3D9.DLL FIRST**
Version 1.0
- - Significantly improve "Compile Papyrus Scripts" dialog load time
- - Improve dialog performance when using large list views (ex. Object Window)
- - Improve dialog performance involving quest topics/dialogue/NPCs
Version 0.92
- - Add experimental INI option to speed up dialog loading (mainly with multiple dropdown menus [ex. Actor, Constructible Object]). Enabled by default.
Version 0.91
- - More (minor) loading optimizations
- - Add INI options for customizing log UI
- - Add option to toggle log autoscroll under "Extensions"
Version 0.31
- - Fix bug where the Use Info dialog does not show any references
- - Decrease load time even more: replace CK's zlib 1.2.7 with libdeflate for plugin files
Version 0.9
- - Add options to disable exporting of FaceGen TGA/DDS files
- - Remove WindowPatch option as it's always enabled now
- - Fix script property dialog list view icons
- - Fix crash when using newer CC ESLs as master files
Version 0.8
- - Fix crash when uploading mods with already-existing archives
- - Fix multiple crashes on exit
- - Fix potential memory leaks
Version 0.7
- - Add INI setting for tint mask resolution on export
- - Add INI setting to force a 60fps cell render window
- - Internal fix for possible D3D9.dll export issues
- - FaceFXWrapper: Fix FonixData.cdf error on CK exit
- - FaceFXWrapper: Remove console window and run as background process
Version 0.6
- - Rewrite WindowPatch code to (hopefully) fix assertions
- - Add new INI option to completely replace warning popups with a new log window (enabled by default)
Version 0.5
- - Add support for LIP generation using FaceFXWrapper, if installed
- - Internal project refactoring
- - Add FaceFXWrapper utility
Version 0.4
- - Add new INI setting to disable automatic facegen export on save
- - Add *.ESM selection in the dropdown menu when saving new plugins
- - AllowSaveESM is now disabled by default in the INI
- - Fix Windows 7 users getting an error about "PrefetchVirtualMemory"
Version 0.3
- - Significantly improve "Initializing References" time while loading plugins
Version 0.2
- - Fixed issue with some people getting "hmod" assertion
- - Fixed typo in the ini (please replace the old one)
- - Fully working navmesh pseudo-delete code
Version 0.1
- Initial release
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
1. Extract the zip contents to your Skyrim Special Edition directory containing CreationKit.exe
2. Configure any options in skyrim64_test.ini
3. Run the Creation Kit
4. Done
Q. I already have tbb.dll or tbbmalloc.dll in my Skyrim folder, are they compatible?
A. Yes.
Q. Will you port this to Fallout 4 or the 32-bit Creation Kit?
A. Not likely.
Q. What version does this require?
A. The SSE CK version or
Q. The CK says I'm missing FonixData.cdx, where is it?
A. See the README included with FaceFXWrapper.
- SSE Creation Kit
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (x64) for VCRUNTIME140_1.dll
- LIP file generation.
- Significantly decreases time while loading plugins.
- A fix for dialogs suddenly not opening. This is from a resource leak after opening too many dialogs and not restarting the editor.
- Navmesh psuedo-deletion option to remove triangles without actually deleting/modifying the mesh. (Idea by ElminsterAU)
- Ability to replace the kit's default memory allocator with a custom one.
- Ability to save master plugins (.ESM) files directly from the save dialog.
- Ability to edit plugins with ESP files as masters without them being removed.
- Ability to globally disable assert message boxes.
- Ability to skip topic info validation which significantly speeds up first-time validation.
- Ability to disable automatic facegen on save.
- Experimental patches that will come and go over time.
- aers for various work related to the game itself
- RoyBatty for annoying me to finally post this
- Some people in the xEdit discord for testing