About this mod
A place for sharing Compatibility Patches for Holds the City Overhaul.
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Here you can find all of the Compatibility Patches and other addons for Holds The City Overhaul
created and published by Galandil.
You can find detailed descriptions in regards to what these Patches do to your game and how to use them.
If you have any questions regarding compatibility with Holds, please use the forum here rather than the main forum of Holds.

+ Updated ESPs for Holds Complete and Modular Editions +
All of the compatibility patches you can download here are designed to work with these updated ESPs. You will need the assets from the main mod page (Holds the City Overhaul) and overwrite its esp plugins with the ones obtained here at Patching Center.
- Previously titled as "Holds Unofficial Patch", I have shared a compilation of miscellaneous fixes and quality of life improvements to Holds.esp here at Patching Center. These changes have been merged with Holds.esp, and uploaded here.
- All of the esps from Holds Modular Edition have received the same treatment. They have also been stripped of any changes to vanilla NPCs as well as so-called "dirty edits" found in them.
- By harnessing the power of Spell Perk Item Distributor [SPID], vanilla NPCs will now equip new items and clothing added by Holds without them modified in any way by Holds plugins. For this reason, SPID is now a soft requirement to use these plugins.
- Many module esps have now been converted into ESPFE format.

+New in 009-P3.45~+
JK's Blue Palace by jkrojmal
JK's Candlehearth Hall by jkrojmal
JK's Dragonsreach by jkrojmal
JK's Mistveil Keep by jkrojmal
JK's The Bannered Mare. by jkrojmal
JK's The Winking Skeever by jkrojmal
Unique Border Gates SE by Kelsenellenelvian
+New in 009-P3.4~+
Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion by Enai Siaion
+New in 009-P3.3~+
Atlas Map Markers SE - Updated with MCM by Kronixx and kryptopyr
5 mods from Creation Club, thanks to SamanthaSays for creating these patches!!
+New in 009-P3.2~+
Beyond Skyrim - Wares of Tamriel SE by Beyond Skyrim
Lanterns Of Skyrim II by WiZkiD - MannyGT
+New in 009-P3.1~+
LIAT SE and Less LIAT SE - Lively Inns and Taverns SE (Less Version Included) by demidekidasu
Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul by ogerboss
Holds requires the unofficial SSE port for Requiem. If done properly, your own SE port of Requiem will also work with my patch.
Rigmor of Cyrodiil by Rigmor
+New in P1.8~+
Ambriel - The Lost Princess (Fully Voiced and Quest) SE by Excelsior2000
Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim by Enai Siaion
Alternate Start - Live Another Life by Arthmoor
Anna NPCs 3_0 by Anduniel and Shrike
Bells of Skyrim by Vermunds
Bijin All in One-2016 by Mebantiza
Bijin NPCs by rxkx22
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul by kryptopyr
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul (Formerly Complete Fast Travel Overhaul) by Kinaga
Clockwork (Clockwork Castle) by Antistar
Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor
Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - SSE by --JawZ--
Enhanced Lights and FX by anamorfus
- Patches for ELFX Enhancer & Exetrior are also available.
Falskaar by AlexanderJVelicky
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival by Chesko
Helgen Reborn by Mike Hancho aka Balok
Holidays by isoku
-See the Instructions bellow
Immersive Wenches by Kozuke Hajime
Improved Bards by cleverbee
Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi
Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) by icecreamassassin
Missives by IronDusk33
-See the Instructions bellow
No snow under the roof by Prometheus
Realistic Lighting Overhaul by The Realistic Lighting Team
- Patches for RLO Exetrior is also available.
Relighting Skyrimby NovakDalton and --JawZ--
Rigmor of Bruma by Rigmor
RS Children Overhaul by Ranaline
Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt
Skyrim Project Optimization by rgabriel15
Skyrim Sewers 4 by Viltuska
-See the Instructions bellow
Skyrim Unbound (Alternate Start) by chinagreenelvis
Skyrims Unique Treasures by clintmich and icecreamassassin
Storefront by Arthmoor
The Men of Winter by Sette
The Notice Board by MannyGT
-See the Instructions bellow
The Ordinary Women by NeusKharp
Touring Carriages by DayDreamer
Undeath Remastered by Antioch08
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch by Unofficial Patch Project Team
Voyage to the Dreamborne Isles by VzRedemption
The Optional Patch for Armor and Clothing Extension by kryptopyr
The Optional Patch for Dynamic Things - Enhanced by FleischHals
+Distributors/Contributors of the Patches+
Creating compatibility patches is no less of an extensive, time-consuming modding work than creating the base mods. Please give the contributors kudos for their time and their work.
Galandil...for making Holds and many of its compatibility patches.
Exoclyps...for assisting Galandil in many ways, from creating compatibility patches to providing technical improvements.
SetteLisette...A maker of several patches and an author of Patching Center
Watergoalie...For making Skyrim Unique Treasures patch.
SamanthaSays...For making patches for Creation Club mods.
We're looking for more contributors! If you have time and skill you can spare to make one or two compatibility patches for Holds, please let us know!
We would like to thank the authors of every mod that we made compatible with Holds the City Overhaul.
Please make sure to endorse any mods you enjoyed!