Thanks to xEdit, this is an extremely easy, safe and fool proof way to convert many mods to ESL flagged files, which means they no longer use one of the 253 plugin slots.
Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
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File credits
ElminsterAU - Author of xEdit
Put Co-Authors and special credits here.
Thanks To: (In Alphabetical Order) (A-Z)
~Nexus Caretaker Service~ SirSalami - Nexus Community Manager
TerrorFox1234 - Nexus Community Manager
And of course "Thank You" to: Bethesda ElminsterAU and the xEdit team.
Donation Points system
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Translations available on the Nexus
Author:Glass1411 --- Translation ProfKnibble
Einfach ESP in ESL umwandeln - mit xEdit
Version 4.0
22/7/2020 v4.0 Released
Added clarifications, explanations, and warnings.
Version 3.01
18/7/2020 v3.01 Released
Updated for use with xEdit 4.03 and above.
Version 2.0
17/11/2018 v2.0 Released
* Removed Advanced Users / Mod Authors section from the guide.
* Guide streamlined and PDF version added. (Thank You BigandFlabby)
* Credit to underthesky for bringing missing information in the original version to my attention.
Public Apology: I owe an apology to Mod Author underthesky. I was a dick, and I apologize. -Glass
How to convert ESPs into ESLs using xEdit Step by step "How to Guide" with pictures.
Thanks to ElminsterAU and the xEdit team this is an incredibly easy, safe and fool proof way to convert many of your mods to ESL flagged files, this means it is now possible to have up to 253 "full" modules and 4096 "light" (ESL flagged) modules loaded at the same time.
This guide works for Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition. This is a detailed step by step guide anyone can use to simply set the ESL flag on an existing mod plugin to free up a load order slot, using this method of converting an ESP flagged file (game default) into an ESL flagged file has no effect on your save games and allows the most compatibility as it leaves the file named as original so mods that use it as a master in any way will continue to function.
* Fallout 4VR and SkyrimVR do not support ESL flagged files.
DISCLAIMER: * I do not claim any type of credit for the information I am sharing with you, my friend "JonathanOstrus" showed me how to do this, and I'm paying him back by paying it forward. (Credit goes to ElminsterAU and the xEdit team.) * 100% of the Donation Points received from this guide go directly to the International Committee of the Red Cross. * I am not qualified to answer questions regarding the usage and features of xEdit beyond the information in this guide.
Version 2.0 now in PDF With this update, I (JonathanOstrus) rewrote part of the document to help with the flow a bit. As such, all of the stuff originally intended as advanced detail for Mod Author's to make their mods into ESL files has been removed at this time. The main use of this document is now targeted towards more novice users who just need to open up some load order slots. The reasoning for this is that the procedure required for the advanced use cases need to be done with deep understanding of the inner workings of each mod. This would typically be the Mod Author, and generally not the average mod user.
Please check out the Permissions and Credits for a list of all the people who helped to make my mods possible. And don't forget to come back and give us and endorsement if you like this mod.