4 items

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Created by

Alexander Ayala

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About this mod

Changes the duration (and Magicka cost) for Candlelight and Magelight,

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I've always hated how short the duration of Candlelight and Magelight lasted.
This mods changes that (Note: I also had to change the value of Magicka cost so it wouldn't be around 5700 Magicka per use).

UPDATE:  After going through Mzulft with the mod active, I realized that I overshot the duration of the spells.

The new duration is Candlelight - 15 minutes / Magelight 2 minutes (the Magicka cost is the same).

If you prefer the longer duration, the old file is still there.

Candlelight will last for one hour and it's new Magicka cost is 25.
Magelight will last for one hour and it's new Magicka cost is 15.

Here's a list of my other files:

Clothing To Light Armor
Don't Attack Me - Werewolf Edition
Don't Attack Me - Vampire Edition
Longer Candlelight and Magelight
New Delphine
A Winterhold Carriage