About this mod
This is a male Argonian character preset for racemenu. The file will adjust your character creation sliders to match what I made. If you want to look exactly like the screenshots read the description for full mod list.
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
Polingc's High Poly Racemenu Presets - Volume 1

These are player presets, meaning it will adjust the character creation sliders in Racemenu to recreate Koztli-Taahei's appearance. Depending on what mods you have installed your Koztli-Taahei may look different from mine.
If you want to replicate exactly what you see in the screenshots you'll need to install Skyrim SE Script Extender, RaceMenu, and all the head part mods (hair, scars, eyes, etc.).
Download SKSE here
Mods Used to Make This Character:
-Improved Eyes Skyrim
-Beast Race Body Paint SE
-Masculine Argonian Textures [Note: I'm using the Skyrim LE v1.1 as it is the only version with full body scales. Works fine with Skyrim SE]
Exact head parts are listed in the Racemenu screen shot.
Mods used for the screenshots (where appropriate):
-Silent Horizons
-Look what you see
-FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (Dynamic) SE
-Larmir Poser SE [From Lover's Lab; NSFW website; Google it if you'd like]
Manual Installation:
Drop the .jslot file into the following directory:
Mod Manager Installation:
Click the button and let it run.
My Other Character Presets:

For those of you who care, here's Koztli-Taahei's backstory that I envisioned when designing him. I recommend using Alternate Start -LAL- to get the most out of roleplaying him.
Koztli-Taahei left his home of Black March on the trail of a raiding troupe of bandits. They had made off with a sapling of a Hist tree; the sacred plant of the Saxhleel, the Argonians. Long ago a mercenary guild had done the same, cultivating the young plant into maturity, and when they drank the sap of the Hist they turned themselves into reckless, bloodthirsty warriors.
As a Tree Minder, a shaman, it fell to Koztli-Taahei to retrieve the sapling and punish the raiders. Where ever he went, the Hist called.
Q. What happens if I don't have all your recommended mods installed?
A. Then nothing should load into those slots. Example: if you don't have Improved Eyes your character will have the same vanilla eyes prior to loading the preset.
Q. How do you pronounce that name?
A. Not entirely sure. I'm going with "Cost-lie Ta-ah-eye".
Q. Did you just make that name up or does it mean something?
A. According to a Jel (Argonian language) translator it roughly translates to "Weapon Magic".
Q. Which preset file should I download?
A. If you want Koztli-Taahei's body overlays, download the overlay version and be sure to have Beast Race Bodies installed as well. If you don't care about overlays, the No Overlay version.
Q. I don't see any presets even though they are in the correct file path.
A. Try saving a preset yourself (e.g. on the preset tab press F5 and save whatever face you currently are using). This will then create the correct folder path using racemenu itself. Then try re-downloading my preset and see if it shows up.
My Other Mods:
Lots. Check out my account profile.
Nazenn-Improved Eyes Skyrim
DomainWolf-Beast Race Body Paint SE
MONSTERaider-Masculine Argonian Textures
LonelyKitsune-Silent Horizons
Tissendel-Look what you see
fore-FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations (Dynamic) SE
Andreis-Larmir Poser SE [From Lover'sLab; NSFW website; Google it if you'd like]
Bethesda Game Studios-Skyrim SE