File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Unimpressed Panda - David Brasher - Enter_77

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About this mod

This is a modder's resource that includes several Morrowind style assets, remapped to use Skyrim's Dwemer textures. This is a resource only and does not add anything to Skyrim.

Permissions and credits
This is a retexture of the 3D assets created by David Brasher for Oblivion and ported to Skyrim by Enter_77.  The models included have been remapped to use Skyrim's Dwemer textures.  Several retextures were created by Minermanb.  Please see the original file for more pieces and Morrowind style textures.

Currently this pack is fairly lite on content as I haven't completed reteturing the entire set yet.  What it does include is an animated steam engine and other mechanical object statics, an interior door (now with sound!) and frame, a light fixture, and several hallway pieces.

I am not sure if I will completely retexture the entire tileset.  However, I will update this file if and when I do complete more.