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About this mod

added ENB series 0.394 support
NEW Scandinavian Seasons support!
NEW rustic weather support!

Permissions and credits
PLEASE:   Don't forget to return here and ENDORSE APEX and/or my Modlist ! If you downloaded and like it.

Im working really hard on my ENB and also on my modlist , a endorse will keep me going!

I create Pinnacle reality ENB because I want my game to look as realistic and immersive as possible.
to accomplish this, I tried many different ENB effects and took the most realistic.
I used Adobe Photoshop  to create my own LUT wich enhances color like they are in europe.
I use the latest shader addon skin visuals possible with SE
Its really performance Friedly! For me it only costs about 3 FPS!
 and I want to share it with everyone!

Your Feedback helps me to make this ENB better and better! 

<3 <3 <3

Obsidian 3.0wip

2.2a mythical2.4 Obsidian +RT shader

2.1 with Cathedral weather thx to Wazalang NAT 

thx to Hodiltoncomparison by Digital Dreams

1.5 NAT1.6 NAT

1.0 Vivid  1.3 Obsidian

thx to  fabricio siqueira thx to sukma zaki for this video


Follow my Youtube Channel with a Click!
for more Awesome stuff.

80% of monitors are bad calibrated out of the box
(best site I found for calibrating)

also you can use windows color calibration tool

You can use a expensive tool,but you dont need 
only do that if your a perfectionist


It achieves its antialiasing by blurring the whole image and has almost no performance impact. 
Edge AA
Blurs the edges 


Looks really great when standing still, but introduces a motion blur like effect when moving.
Edge AA
Blurs the edges 

ENB Effect DNI
you can easily adjust brightnes and contrast for every daytime

ENB Ambient Occlusion
Because Vanilla AO is not good

slightly blending effect

Subsurface Scattering
Vastly improved lighting for translucent materials like skin. Turns the skin from plastic to realistic.

Depth of Field 
High Quality DoF 
It's turned off in my presets, but with one click in the enbseries you can turn it on
Its good out of the box

Unique customizable vignette effect . Again, easy to disable in "Enbeffectpostpass" if you don't like it.

Enhances the image quality by bringing out texture details.
You can higher it or lower it in "Enbeffectpostpass" under "step count"

 can be turned off in ENBseries

HDR / curves
Adjust image color and tone with Curves

The Impact is from Rig to Rig different! It's a really Performance friendly ENB!

I got a 1080ti and a I5 6600K for me the ultimate Version costs about 2FPS.
Ultimate Version has ~2-8 Fps Impact
Performance Version has ~1-5 Fps Impact


Q: I cant open the zip/rar!
A: you can if you use the latest WIn rar  :)


Enhanced Lights and FX
great interior Lighting Mod and very recommended
If you like a more natural and realistic looking game. 
Lighting is balanced and very natural. 

This is more a Realism preset with abit more colors and bloom.

More a  realistic preset. This one is more washed out and blueish dull because it uses more volumetric lighting 
It looks like Vanilla, but it has much more different types of weather.
This is more a fantasy preset.
The sky is very blue and this preset has alot of contrast to it

This has a realistic tone with fantasy effects. 

This a semi realistic fantasy preset 
 This has very colorful sunsets/sunrises. 

Modlist Download:
Apex Modlist

1. Download the latest ENBseries
2. From the WrapperVersion of the ENB folder, copy and paste the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files into your Skyrim SE directory
3. Download my preset and paste all the contents into your Skyrim directory and overwrite
4.Change this line in SkyrimPrefs.ini:

5. you need SKSE and ENB helper
5.This preset is fully customizable through the GUI.

for this awesome Game
For the ENB Binaries
Marty MCFly
Tapioks and Firemanaf
for DNI ENBEFFECT.FX modification
firemanaf, Jawz and L00ping
For the enbeffectpostpass Shader
The Sandvich Maker and Adyss
for the shader addon
 to any person who helped me with this,
 inspire me in the ENB design,
 gave Feedback or Endorsed it!
I hope I mentioned everyone who deserves it!

<a href="" target="_top">Cool Text: Logo und Grafik-Generator</a>