About this mod
The Lantern mod from MannyGT now with MCM options ported to Skyrim Special Edition.
MCM back and tweaked with three versions to choose from!!
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Thank you all for using Lanterns of Skyrim - MCM version!!!
A very big thanks for endorsing this mod. As result, this mod was #1 in the Hot Mods....

Video from Hodilton... Thank you so much...
This is the ported Lanterns of Skyrim MCM version to Special Edition. Ofcourse i have permission from MannyGT.
Oldrim LoS here. And LoS SE here.
It's a matter of preferences. Choose what you like.
Now the Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM version comes in three different Main Files versions all with MCM options.
#1 - Original MannyGT
#2 - Radius and Brightness tweaked Normal with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB
#3 - Radius and Brightness tweaked Brighter with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB
To be used for #1 - Original MannyGT and do not use Light Balance Patch with presets below!
Magic Lanterns by MannyGT
ELFX Preset by Johnocc
RLO Preset by Sydney666
Various Weather Pack
Rounded Lanterns
Replaces default shape lanterns with rounded shape lanterns.
Compatible with Blowing in the Wind.
Tick "Rounded Lanterns" in fomod comming with Blowing in the Wind.
This is not a preset. You still need one. Rounded Lanterns is just optional.

* Check below for comparison. All screenshots were taken with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB.
* Highly recommend the Lanterns of Skyrim Light Balance Patch if you choose the Original MannyGT version.
* For the Normal and Brighter version, you don't need the Light Balance Patch.
* Make your own Patch and post it on Nexus. Use #1 - Original MannyGT and follow this tutorial.
MCM Features
Now with Menu Mod Configuration tool to customize as you want.
* Hour to turn ON the lanterns. (Default at 7pm)
* Hour to turn OFF the lanterns. (Default at 7am)
* Timer for checking the lanterns.
* Always ON
* Always OFF
* Debug mode toggle. (modder resource)
* Enable lanterns in villages toggle. (and towns, settlements and exterior cells of main cities)
* Enable lanterns along roads toggle.
A big Thanks to Tarlazo for editing the MCM Menu.. Check out his mods. Highly recommend Convenient Carriages.
* Mod Organizer 2 recommended
Load Order
* You can place the Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main .ESM below Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.ESP, now that all incompatibilities has been resolved.
* Should be compatible with all lighting and weather mods.
* Not fully compatible with Claralux!! Read below!!
* A nice add-on for LoS would be Lantern Caretakers SE. Make sure to enable the "Enable lanterns along the roads" in the MCM menu.
* Compatible with Blowing in the Wind. Patch provided by wizkid34. This patch fixes severel "double" Lanterns around settlements.
* Don't use the patch that comes with Blowing in the Wind's FOMOD.
* I highly recommend to visit his page for more patches. WiZkiD Patches Compendium.
Compatibility with Claralux
From Claralux page. So you can decide for yourself if you want to use the two mods together.
Does a subset of what CLARALUX does. If you still insist on using it, you can turn off the Road Light Posts inside the Testing Facility. CLARALUX will not control any lights added by this mod though. In addition there will be minor visual glitches because of similar placements in smaller towns, villages and farms.
Screenshot Comparison
Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM Version - 6.0 - Original MannyGT

Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM Version - 6.0 - Original MannyGT
With Light Balance Patch

Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM Version - 6.0 - Normal
Radius and Brightness tweaked with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB

Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM Version - 6.0 - Brighter
Radius and Brightness tweaked with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB

Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM Version - 6.0 - Original MannyGT
With Magic Lanterns.