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Virus scan

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About this mod

This plugin removes level scaling by overriding encounter level relevant functions and generate levels based on gaussian and poisson distributions. Moreover, for an encounter zone that has been visited before, the level can still vary slightly and randomly.

Permissions and credits

This plugin removes level scaling by overriding encounter level relevant functions that read the player level and generate levels based on gaussian and poisson distributions. Moreover, for an encounter zone that has been visited before, I have added a function to variate the saved level by a gaussian distributed random number.

At the current stage, this mod still needs a lot of testing to ensure that I have patched the right functions and not missing any.
Disable mods that change leveled list to static level see the effect.

Since I use AoB scanning, it should be compatible with VR and future versions of SkyrimSE. But for now, it works with 1.5.73.