About this mod

Do you feel a lack of Hircine-related mods? Are you in need of some relaxing game-hunting under the watchful gaze of the greatest of the Daedric princes? Well, look no further! Kewin568 presents Hircine's Hunting Grounds!

Permissions and credits
This mod takes you to Hircine's Daedric realm called the "Hunting Grounds". Here you can find a Bosmer hunter companion, two new sets of armor and Hircine's deer skull mask. As a bonus the grounds itself looks pretty amazing particularly with flora overhauls.  LE Version

- A new companion called "Ernst Hoodway"
- The Dragonslayer armor set (now with female version)
- Ernst's Hunting outfit, a remodel of Iorveths armor (now with female version!)
- Ernst's Hat, a Robin Hood hat lookalike! 
- A new Icebucket mesh for modders (has no collision)
- A new Hircine statue mesh resource (no collision)

This mod comes with archive or loose files.  Pick one.

Archive version simply remove the three files, loose version recommend using a mod manager to remove all related scripts, meshes, and textures.

Standalone, should not argue with most mods.  Potential issues with navmesh due to the way SE manages world navmesh... but really I have no idea because navmesh is a mysterious world no one should be involved with.

Known Issues or Bugs
-Male armors not weight slider enabled.
-Male gloves do not properly display on beast races.

Nexus - Sulhir
Bethesda.net - Vain.3805
Discord - Vain#1554

L0rd0fWar's conversion of Witcher 2's Iorveth armor.
CD Projekt Red for Witcher 2.  This mod is in no way affiliated with CD Projekt Red.

The original Skyrim mod is free to use for just about anything (some assets belong to CD Projekt Red) so long as Kewin568 is cited as the creator/author.  The SE version I worked on a great deal to get in working order so any redistribution of the SE plugin itself is prohibited without prior authorization.