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LockedStickyLooks amazing guys, thank you for all the time you've spent making this beauty! :)
LockedStickyVersion 1.3
This is the last update, at least for fixing Physics "clipping" issue.
I personally use this setting from SINful CBPC (or CBP? I forgot)
Body Butt --> 2 (Supple)
Body Breast --> 2 (Geared) or 3 (Firm), tend to like Firm more
Body Belly --> 3 (Firm)
Elas Butt, Breast, Belly --> 1 (Standard)
Tested without problem.
If I see users still comment on clipping using jello boing boing setting, I will ignore. Seriously.
If not because of transparent texture at the top, this clipping issue would have been easily avoided using Body Zap. But we can't, obviously.
So, thank you for understanding~ -
Thank you for your good mod.
And can you help me to find preset of pictures 1 and 2 -
im new to modding, let alone anything that has to do with computer stuff and this might be a dumb question but how do i untick or delete the unp file to keep the textures for this cbbe file? Do i go into the filetree or do i just delete it straight from the mod organizer also how do i edit the bodyslide for it, im planning to run this as my characters outfit in the Lorerim Moddlist. thank you for the help!!! =)
could just be my own stupidity, but i am using Nolvus, and alot of armors are taking up multiple slots. like this one the chest takes up 3 slots including 52, which means i cant use the skirt with the chest. what would be the best way to change that? nolvus does not use devious or sos.
Hi! I'm not experienced with modding at all and I was hoping to get some help with an issue involving this mod.
I have both this mod and the orignal mod installed, as well as everything that is required for this mod (CBBE, Fores, ect) to work however my character's body isn't changing at all when I use the sliders in-game. It works fine with Vanilla outfits and with nothing equipped but once I put the Celes rogue armor on the body it goes back to the default body type. I've played with the sliders and presets while it is equipped but absolutely nothing is changing. I've disabled the original mod as a plug in (The texture disapears), I've played with the rules for these two mods with no results.
Unsure if I'm missing something or the mod didn't download properly (Re-installed both mods several times now). -
What exactly is the all themes plugin. It mentions to refer to mod description page for more info but there's no mention of it there.
Hi, I'm having an issue where I'm not too sure if there's a fix to it or not, but with the cuirass equipped (as well as the boots), which also shows the socks, I've noticed that there's basically a see through gap in my legs that you can see through one of the rips of the socks. This is kinda annoying and was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue of If there's a fix for it? -
Why is the armor, once equipped, all "blued out"?
I can equip the armor, but it is all blue? No textures, etc? -
I've had something odd start to happen with this armor. Don't know if it's related to this version, or UNP. I have the UNP .esp disabled, since it's only for the meshes. I can't have the skirt and cuirass on at the same time, only one or the other. They seem to be occupying the same slot. I've had physics on for both before, but I've tried turning it off for one item, then the other, then both. Tried uninstalling, saving a game without the mod at all, the reinstalling, Tried starting a new game. No change, I can still only do one or the other. Any idea what happened, or suggestions on how to fix?
Sorry for not getting back sooner, kept putting off checking for a response.
Have all the current versions. I use Vortex, so I checked under Manage File Conflicts, and CBBE is the default across the board. Ran LOOT just in case, and took a look where they lie in order. CBBE does come in before UNP there, but UNP is not assigned a load order number since the plug in for it is disabled. To clarify, the UNP mod is installed, but the plug in that puts it in the game is disabled. Just to check, and be sure that load order wasn't the issue, I set a rule that CBBE must load after UNP. Still no dice. Finally, I enabled the UNP plug in to see if it filled something that might be missing, no change.
I'm not uninstalling the mod. I love the way it looks, even if my girl is running around in her panties... mostly. -
are u have SOS installed? if so tick the upperbody as revealing ;)
I have this problem also it suddenly started coming up. Can only wear one or the other.
It's been a while, but I think I figured out what it was. I installed some body physics mods, mid-game which I knew was a bad idea but did it anyway. They didn't work right, so I uninstalled them. It was not long after that I found the armor wasn't working like it had before. There must have been some lingering script that messed with the armor, or the available slots... I don't know. I did try reinstalling the physics mods during that play through, but the game would CTD while trying to load the save. So I left them off, relegated the armor to dressing a mannequin, and started using the Witch Hunter armor. No doubt about it, the armor you guys make is freaking gorgeous, and I thank you for it.
I finished that play through, and decided to start another. I reinstalled those same two mods to see if they worked better when starting with a clean slate, and of course they did. I played until I got a place with a mannequin, and used add item to pull out a set of the armor, and dressed the doll. It worked just like it was supposed to.
So that others can learn from my mistake: don't install CBBE SMP or 3BBB mid-game, then uninstall. I think it was actually 3BBB that messed things up, because you can make that ring that takes slot 50. I made that ring, and that's when it went down hill. I just happened to be using this armor at the time, and the issue got baked into the save. No other armor I tried, no matter how many pieces it had, gave me that problem. Only thing I can't explain at this point is why it wouldn't work properly when I tested a new game before. I didn't have either of these mods installed, just had it running like I did before I tried them out. Maybe I pissed off the Creation Engine, so it decided to mess with me until I gave up, and now it's being nice again.
EDIT: Now for the "well... s***" moment. I left the house where I had the mannequin dressed, returned later, and saw a weird message saying I can't store weapons on a mannequin. I only have the one mannequin holding anything, and it's the armor, nothing else. I am using a 3BBB body now on the new game, and have the mod for that body, but it's again back to either skirt or cuirass, and that message. All my body mods and armors are working fine except this one, so something else I have that works must be just incompatible with this one. I've got a little over 200 mods on my game, so for my attention span that's a needle in a haystack. Still keeping this one to tinker with until I can figure out what's going on. Will update again if I do.
Edit 5/23 - Probably no surprise to anyone, but the mannequin mod is not the culprit. Just a coincidence that it started to act up with the new playthrough. Have some ideas for what's causing that issue, but they don't belong here. Just dropping a note because I mentioned it above. -
Had the same problem, for me it was SoS making the cuirass using armor slot of the skirt - slot 52.
The skirt is set to armor slot 52 by default in the mod, and cuirass is at 32 and 53. I also have this issue, and I have SOS Full.
Can this armor slot on the skirt be edited in xEdit? If so, which armor slot would be good? -
I'm still having this issue, too. I do NOT have the UNP body installed, just the UNP version of this for the meshes. I -do- have SoS installed, as well. Seems to be a conflict between SoS and the armor? No idea.
EDIT:: Yep, I did it wrong. Read a few posts in more detail and checked the "revealing" box in SoS MCM. Learn from my mistake, anyone reading this. Check the box. Skirt works fine.
What Tattoo mod is that for the second picture present?! Looks Amazing!
I believe it is the Community Overlays 1 (0-30) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition) mod by DomainWolf.
I am currently using cbbe 3bbb body with cbbe curvy preset. This armor looks great with one exception. The bag strap is way outside of the body. Is there a way to get this tight with the body? If not will just have to remove the strap as it looks quite silly the way bodyslide is adjusting it, but like the bag and its effects. Thanks for all the hard work converting it!