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About this mod

If you wanted to play as a draugr then you came to the right place but if you just came to party thats just diddy as well. This mod will allow you to play as a draugr but not just any old draugr you can play as one with default human animations, wear clothes and armor, roleplay as a walking corpse or others..

Permissions and credits
2011 Version - 

Extra Playable Skeletons  - This holds the standalone skeleton armor. It will not be hosted on DPS
Glowing Eyes Rings
Dark Playable Skeletons
I herd u liked Draugrs

SSE Version -

Playable Draugr SSE

Dark Playable Skeletons SSE 

Extra Playable Skeletons SSE  - Skeleton armor and glowing eye rings will be hosted on ExPS optional files.

This is merely a port of the LE version of the I herd u liked Draugrs but with updated meshes. Thats it really, still works the same way.

If you wanted to play as a draugr then you came to the right place but if you just came to party thats just diddy as well. This mod will allow you to play as a draugr but not just any old draugr you can play as one with default human animations, wear clothes and armor, roleplay as a walking corpse or others..

If you wanna change your hair you have to pick a preset then it will let you customize the character, no face morphs tho so sadness.
The feet however looks bad. no idea how to make it not look like someone stepped on it hundred times but wearing foot wear will hide that.

Both male and female draugrs have a texture set while wearing clothes and armor so no more human skin, i never textured anything before so it looks kinda bad with the tint changing its color and all, if you have ece or racemenu you could try to change its color to match the original one.
Comes with first person without the annoying head clipping in your face

Racial stats:
Draugr Ab - Resist Frost 50%, Glowy eyes 100% No luck getting it to work, WaterBreathing, Resist Poison 100%
Draugr Rage - It like orcs berserk but with draugrs instead! 50% less damage taken 50% more damage
Draugr Terror - Blast the area with a large fear spell but as a lesser power
Unarmed fear touch Spell - When doing a power attack with your fists it may cause them to ride in fear
Two Handed - 10
One Handed 5
Heavy Armor - 5
Light Armor - 5
Block - 5
Destruction - 5