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About this mod

Official SSE port and conversion of Kozakowy's Steampunk Corset Outfit UNP and CBBE. Latest updates include fixes to normal maps and brown version of the corset.

Permissions and credits

This is the official port of Kozakowy's Steampunk Corset Outfit, for UNP and CBBE bodies. 

Meshes and textures have been optimized for Skyrim SE with Ousnius' SSE Nif Optimizer, and the ESP has been updated in the Skyrim SE Creation Kit. 

To get the gown in-game either:
a) use the console command "help 'tudor' to obtain the ID codes and "player.additem [ID code] [number of copies]"
b) I would highly recommend you use AddItemMenu

You can find the original mod here:
Kozakowy's Steampunk Corset Outfit UNP CBBE


Q. My arms disappear when I equip ONLY the corset (no gloves).
A. The outfit is meant to be worn with the gloves. The corset armor piece overrides the 'arms' of the character model, thus they disappear when you equip the corset. The gloves replace the character hands and cover up the missing section of arms from the corset.

Q. Is there a CBBE bodyslide version?
A. Checkout docteure and jeir's conversion: Kozakowy's Steampunk Outfit - SSE CBBE Bodyslide
Note: this does not include the most up to date fixes and additions from version 1.3 and onward.

Q. Does this have physics support/can you add physics?
A. No and no. Physics is not realistic for this type of outfit and so is a moot point.

Q. Why do I have a neck/hand seam?
A. The outfit is designed, with no weight adjustments, for a 0 (zero) bodyweight. If you wish to eliminate any neck and hand seams reset your weight appropriately.

What follows below is from the original mod page. If you love Kozakowy's work, please stop by, download and endorse the original.

UPDATE 1.4-beta
- Normals fixed, the details should render consistently in various lighting now
- CBBE and UNP available

UPDATE 1.3-beta
- Black and Brown versions added
- Recompressed textures to BC1 AND BC3.

UPDATE 1.2-beta
- 4k and 2k a bit brighter textures
- NIOverride compatible heels
- many mesh fixes
- new fur shawl model
- new belt model
- minor ground objects fixes

1. Description:

This mod is a bit inspired with zerofrost's works. I'm also a huge fan of corset-related fashion and tried to
incorporate it into Skyrim world. Hope you'll have some fun with it.

2. Known issues:

- female only
- minor clipping problems may occur
- there's no weightslider.

3. How to get it in game:

- type in console "help steampunk", you will get all needed IDs.
- type in console "player.additem XXX Y". XXX means necessary ID, Y means count of items you want.

4. Installation:

- I suggest using MO or NMM you can also extract the package manually.

5. Uninstallation:

- again I suggest using MO or NMM or you can remove the .esp file and mod's folders

6. Terms of use:

-You are not allowed to reupload this mod to other sites without permission. 
-You have to ask me first if you want to use any part of this mod in your own such as follower mod, mashup mod, etc.
-You have to ask me first if you want to convert the outfit to other bodies.
-You have to ask me first if you want to recolor/retexture the outfit.
-You are not allowed to publicily share any your modification of this mod, private sharing is allowed.
-You are not allowed to convert this outfit to other games.

If you have any questions please ask.

7. Credits:

- all parts of the armor are modelled from the scratch by kozakowy
- big thanks  to zerofrost I've learned much looking at his armors
- thanks to ShinglesCat I got much inspired to make this mod by her and also figured out how to prepare a proper description
- the mask appearing on the shots is not a part of the mod - it is made by zerofrost

8. Videos:

By DonProtein (the outfit is shown at 2:46)