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  1. hoskope
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
  2. TheIndieGamersYT
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much! Good riddance to those ugly ash piles lol
  3. minevery
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I may be the only fool who downloaded this mod after CleverCharff's AIO, then tried to understand why I saw no difference :(
  4. SouprizeAttack
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Beautiful ash piles! Thank you!!
  5. Vladimirvl0111
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you!
  6. mfvicli
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    Oh, these are beautiful. Love the bone mixed with ash. Makes for much more horrifying kills.
    1. AniHVX
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      the mod i never thought I needed. holy s#*! lol
  7. deleted91653933
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    do you think you can also replace the "Hallowed Ashpile" used in "Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim"?
    1. TheHunterWithTools
      • member
      • 18 kudos
    2. deleted91653933
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      reminder that "Hallowed Ashpile" looks like trash
  8. MediaEvil
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    When I saw your screenshots the first time, the first idea that came to my mind was 'why not to add a little scripts that defines a pile texture based on type of the creature'. For example bones + ash for humanoids, regular pile texture for rest of creatures. Optionally, force-drop all items equipped by desintegrated humanoids. Hope someone finds this idea worth... implementation.
  9. deleted59475776
    • account closed
    • 41 kudos
    Very nice work. I'm adopting it with Azura and Blackreach cristals.
    One thing important I would point about Ash Piles is that the mod "Ash Pile Expiration - Special Edition" do not work at all (in fact it don't do anything in the game).

    I did a lot of experimentation yesterday and come to these conclusions:

    1. Ash Piles are removed from the game when cell respawn or the NPC to whim the ash pile is attached respawn.
    2. If a NPC with Ash Pile attached is set to not respawn in the game, his Ash Pile stay in the game forever.
    3. It's safe to apply "MarkforDelete" on Ash Piles of respawning NPCs.
    4. If you apply MarkforDelete" on Ash Pile of a non respawning NPC, this NPC won't appear again in the game.
    5. I didn't dig enough in this (fault of time) but if someone has to do a mod that make Ash Piles removed from the game for some dalayed time he has to involve scripts to oppose the function Victim.AttachAshPile(AshPileObject). (IMO this is the way to go).

    Last time Bethesda fixed Ash Piles clearing bugs was in Official Patch (Skyrim Classic).

  10. InstantKor
    • premium
    • 127 kudos
    Bones or no bones, agh I cant decide