This page was last updated on 15 August 2021, 7:36PM
Version 9.2
Added Full Model for Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, Blue Palace and the Bard College.
Fixed a small alpha issue with the Dragonsreach LOD Texture.
Small improvements on some full models.
Version 9.0
Improved a lot of buildings for (almost) perfect matching with full model with NSM textures
Improved details in the LODs buildings
Some Witherun and Solitude buildings are now fully loaded when you are outside the city AND within the ugridtoload setting (ie when the buildings are not LOD).
Version 8.0
Merged in a bsa for easy management (include the billboards for the forgotten trees and flora with fixed height/width)
Updated Lods for Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm, markarth, the Dwemer dungeons, Ravenrock and the Fort Dawnguard. More detailed and faithful to the original model.
Fixed Windows (now using the good type of windows or no windows if there is actually no windows on the main model).
Added/improved some other minor textures
Version 7.0
Merge with better Mountain Lods created by T4gtr34um3r
small fix for vanilla version
Version 6.2
Improved waterfall lod normalmap
fix an erroneous size in the 512 version
Version 6.1
Fix Alpha Channel in Whiterun Building (was missing in one file)
Update Glacier Lods with better one
Version 6.0
bard main building windows are now "centered"
rock and mountain have vanilla-like normalmaps, bad looking mountain lod should now be really ok
Whiterun Lods have been improved and updated to use the latest NSM assets, roof are now more consistant with regular models essentialy
Solitude Wall Windows have been improved to be more natural looking (removing the white border)
ynDOLOD ressources have been added and updated
Version 5.0
bard tower is now "centered", for OCD people like me, it's better :p
rock and mountain have stronger/better normalmaps, bad looking mountain lod should now be ok.
bad texture have reworked to be slightly better (in Riften for example)
White run Lods have been updated (a door now use the last NSM model). and New Lods texture are added for Markarth building and door.
The Lods for the main wall of solitude are now darker, this match better with the fully rendered one (there size are also better)
Version 4.2
improved a lod in Riften (probably unoticiable)
first SSELODGen only version
Version 4.1
fixed a bad normalmap for a rock Lod, only used by SSELODGen I suppose
Version 4.0
add HD Lod texture for most of the mountain and rock
More accurate Lod for Solitude (fixed a tower)
New NSM 5.3 Lod for Winterhold
add hd waterfall lod
Version 3.3
Glacier are now not too blue, but not too grey
Fixed NormalMap to be more flat since game engine can't render them well otherwise
Better Alpha
Version 3.2
Fix poor alpha channel in Whiterun
Update a Whiterun Door to the latest version of NSM
Version 3.1
Fix Grey Glacier instead of Blue for the far Lods
Version 3.0
Updated with NSM 5.0.0 assets
Improved Solitude Lods
Improved NormalMap with BC7
Version 2.0
Fully updated for NSM 4.5.0
New options for download (256/512 - 512/1k - 1k/2k)