About this mod
Removes torches from NPCs standing next to other NPCs with torches. Removes torches from mounted NPCs. Removes torches from NPCs based on light level.
Let's NPCs re-equip torches when they are in the dark, if they are not standing next to another NPC with a torch and they are not on a mount (horse, etc.)
- Requirements
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But if you are like me, playing with mods that add hundreds of NPCs in Skyrim, you absolutely need this mod.
You see, all these populated areas are great for immersion, until a storm hits or night falls.
Then all of the sudden all these dozens of NPCs bring out their torch, even if they are standing next to each other.
Needless to say this makes a fest of lights, which comes with the notorious light limit/shadows Skyrim bug. And they make my eyes bleed.
This issue was always getting to my nerves, until I finally came up with a solution. I present to you:
Removes torches from NPCs standing next to other NPCs with torches.
Removes torches from mounted NPCs.
Removes torches from NPCs based on light level.
Let's NPCs re-equip torches when they are in the dark, if they are not standing next to another NPC with a torch and they are not on a mount (horse, etc.)
Torches in civilized buildings are forbidden (homes, shops, inns, etc.).
All modded buildings are covered, if they use the appropriate keyword for the building (LocTypeDwelling).
If they don't, talk to the mod author to add it.
Guards are not affected by light/dark conditions, as it is their duty to equip a torch when they feel they need one.
All other conditions apply to guards too.
Followers are completely excluded.
comes complete with MCM so you can put in your own light levels and distance values!
Please support me on Patreon:

Known Issues
If you switch interior/exterior cell simultaneously with an NPC who has their torch out, the NPC will get stuck un/equipping their torch, or having their arm stretched as if holding a torch while no torch is there. This is the reason followers have been excluded from this mod. It is very easy to not experience this issue, just don't enter/exit anything while an NPC with a torch does the same thing.