You are not allowed to upload or distribute this file on any other website or platform. You are not allowed to use the assets included in this file without permission from the creator of those assets. You are not allowed to package this mod as part of a mod collection. You are not allowed to use this file in any mods/files/collections that are being sold or distributed for money.
You are allowed to create compatibility patches for this mod.
Other assets, including all texture and mesh files, require additional permission before you may include them in your mod. All assets that originate from other authors require permission from those authors. The assets included in this mod may not be used for commercial purposes or in any mods/files that are being sold for money or distributed behind a paywall (such as Patreon).
Snipey360 and RhaellaStark have been granted permission to port this mod to console and upload the Xbox version to
TRANSLATIONS If you wish to translate this mod into a language other than English, your translation MUST require that the user download the original file from this page in order to work. You have permission to upload and distribute, on, only those portions of this mod that are required for the translation. Do not post translations on additional platforms or websites without written permission from the mod author. You are NOT permitted to release any stand-alone translations that would work without the user first downloading the file from this page.
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For questions or to seek additional permissions, contact the author at [email protected].
File credits
Cabal120 for most of the assets included in the Content Addon file. Modd3r, EmeraldReign, & Eckss for their contributions in creating the original Content Addon file. DrMonops for his help in updating and porting this file to SE. titanbass1 for his invaluable help with the 3.0.0 update. deletepch for the aMidianBorn Matching Armory - Glass Armor and Weapons. NickNak for meshes from Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with Animations. jg1 for meshes from Believable Weapons. ikonomov for meshes from Better-Shaped Bows of the Heavens OperatorCactus for textures from Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture (licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; see details below) Erlioniel and sumugi for textures from Elven Weapons for Silence SE. MidnightVoyager for Glass Tweaks and help with testing. bientje for Greatswords Have Scabbards Straps Sheaths. PrivateEye for meshes from Heavy Armory - New Weapons. LeanWolf and masterofshadows for meshes from LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons. Meridiano for meshes from Nordic Carved Armor Without Pauldrons. JZBai for meshes from Practical Female Armors SE. Iconic for textures from Project Clarity - Vanilla Weapon Textures Redone. Kartoffels and Soulmancer for Quality CubeMaps - HD Cube Maps Optimized. furexarot for meshes from HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors
Gilded and Silvered Ebony weapon textures are based on the "Oblivion Nostalgia Trip" from Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture by OperatorCactus and the "vanilla" Ebony weapon textures use the "Special Ebony Shiny Reflective Refractive Reshlective 2k 4k 5k 144Hz Immersive Overhaul Retexture Pack Collection Suite" from the same. These files are licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.
Donation Points system
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HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors Patch - Updated texture sets used for cloth portions of female Ebony and Ebony Mail variants (HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors uses the male textures for these).
Version 3.1.0a
Added patches for HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors to Optional Files.
Version 3.1.0
Changed .esp names to all lower case for improved compatibility for Steam Deck and certain Linux users; this should have no impact on other users.
Changed the name of "Refined Banded Iron Armor" to "Refined Iron Reinforced Armor" for consistency with existing naming conventions.
Updated values of Gilded and Silvered ammunition and weapons to reflect the Gold and Silver used in their construction.
Fixed cubemap paths on female first person glass variants meshes.
Updated the enchanted Thalmor War Axes to use Thalmor War Axes data (rather than Thalmor Sword data, whoops!).
Changed the tempering material for non-vanilla (Animated Armory & Heavy Armory) Elven/Thalmor weapons from Calcinium to Moonstone (CCOR compatibility script should be handling the change to Calcinium, if installed).
Added ShWeapType injected keywords from Heavy Armory and distributed to appropriate weapons.
Removed extraneous keyword from Shortspears.
Adjusts levels used in ShLItemEnchThalmor1H and ShLItemEnchThalmor2H leveled lists.
Replaced mystery Ebony War Axe mesh variant that was used for the Gilded and Silvered Ebony War Axes with the vanilla mesh.
Added SilverSwordScript to Silvered Animated Armoury weapon variants.
Resolved some Thalmor armor leveled list conflicts with the Stealth Skills Rebalanced patch.
Added Fingerless Thalmor Light Gauntlets and associated crafting recipes which get distributed via the Stealth Skills Rebalanced patch.
Removed some additional optional folders and meshes that had made their way into the main file.
Removed the "artifact replica" requirement from the Gilded and Silvered Ebony Mail variant recipes.
Removed incorrect female Thalmor and Vvardenfell Glass cuirass normal and environment mask textures from the installer (the correct textures are included in the Book of Silence .bsa).
Version 3.0.7
Added Gilded and Silvered variants of the Ebony Mail, including tempering recipes and recipes to convert between the different variants.
Updated "vanilla" Heavy Armory glass meshes with white specular to use the new models from Heavy Armory v6 (these were previously missed).
Removed some extraneous folders and meshes from the installer.
Version 3.0.6
Forwarded a handful of previously missed leveled list changes from WACCF.
Updated Heavy Armory patches for Heavy Armory v6.
Updated the variant Heavy Armory weapons meshes to reflect the mesh changes made in Heavy Armory v6.
Added patches to resolve leveled list conflicts between Animated Armoury, Heavy Armory, and some Crossbow integration mods (Creation Club - Crossbow Integration & Kachunk).
Updated patches so Animated Armoury and Heavy Armory's Skyforge weapons correctly use the aMidianBorn Skyforge weapon textures.
Added a mesh patch for Better-Shaped Bows of the Heavens SE.
Replaced several cubemaps with textures from Quality CubeMaps - HD Cube Maps Optimized.
Removed the unintended cubemap which used the vanilla file path.
Corrected template item for enchanted Thalmor Maces.
Version 3.0.5
Corrected leveled list BaseArrowElvenThalmor75_AMB so it actually distributes Thalmor Arrows rather than Thalmor Glass Swords.
Version 3.0.4
Replaced "vanilla" LeanWolf's Glass Dagger and Sword white-specular meshes with ones with the correct scabbards.
Added "vanilla" LeanWolf's white-specular Glass Arrow and Chillrend meshes.
Version 3.0.3
Incorporated Gilded and Silvered Ebony weapon textures based on the "Oblivion Nostalgia Trip" from Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture by OperatorCactus, and "vanilla" Ebony weapon textures use the "Special Ebony Shiny Reflective Refractive Reshlective 2k 4k 5k 144Hz Immersive Overhaul Retexture Pack Collection Suite" from the same. These files are licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.
The new Ebony textures mentioned above are highly recommended. However, for those who preferred them, the previous Ebony weapon textures are still available on the Alternate Ebony Weapon Textures for aMidianBorn page (
Updated installer so the "vanilla" Believable Weapons Ebony greatsword scabbard mesh (what a mouthful!) is only installed when the appropriate "with greatsword scabbard" option is selected.
Version 3.0.2
Corrected format of the Ebony weapons textures so they appear correct in game.
Updated injected weapon keywords for consistency with Object Categorizations Framework.
Added .yaml patches for Audio Overhaul Skyrim and Immersive Sounds - Compendium; these require Sound Record Distributor to function.
Version 3.0.1
Corrected format of the optional Elven weapons textures so they appear correct in game.
Corrected scabbard normal map file paths on a pair of optional LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons meshes.
Minor texts edits to the FOMOD for improved clarity.
Version 3.0.0
FOMOD installer.
Removed CCOR requirement; consequently a separate non-CCOR version is no longer offered.
Corrected slot position of _b texture in the Savior's Hide White and Black Variants' texture sets.
Added new matching weapons for the Gilded Ebony, Gilded Elven, Gilded Thalmor, Silvered Ebony, Thalmor, Thalmor Glass, and Vvardenfell Glass armors. These weapons are craftable and are distributed in ways that mirror their respective armors.
Provided Greatsword Scabbard, Believable Weapons, and LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons options for relevant weapons.
Added option to install matching weapon textures for the aMidianBorn retexture of the "vanilla" Ebony Armor and meshes with shader properties adjusted for consistency (textures based on the Ebony weapon textures from Project Clarity), with mesh support for Animated Armoury, Katana Crafting, and Heavy Armory.
Added option to install matching weapon textures for the aMidianBorn retexture of the "vanilla" Elven Armor (textures based on the Ebony weapon textures from Project Clarity).
Added option to install modified Glass meshes which replace the various specular colors used by vanilla Glass with a uniform white specular for optimal consistency, with additional mesh support for Animated Armoury, Glass, Tweaks, Katana Crafting, Heavy Armory, and Practical Female Armors..
Adjusted Thalmor Glass and Vvardenfell Glass armor textures for improved consistency.
Added a patch for Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with Animations which enables aMidianBorn variants of Animated Armoury's new weapons.
Added a patch for Heavy Armory - New Weapons which enables aMidianBorn variants of Heavy Armory's new weapons. This is an updated version of the patch included in the Heavy Armory installer.
Added an additional patch to resolve leveled list conflicts between the Animated Armoury and Heavy Armory patches.
Added a patch for Stealth Skills Rebalanced which adds fingerless gaunlets for the aMidianBorn variants and resolves some leveled list conflicts.
Removed some duplicate files which were already included in the aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE - CCOR CONTENT ADDON .bsa.
Version 2.4.1
Added alternate CACO versions of iron helmet recipes which require 2 Horns.
No CCOR Version Only: Fixed errors in Engraved Iron Gauntlet recipes.
No CCOR Version Only: Added a missing script.
Version 2.4
Corrected issue where the Thalmor Gilded Helmet was not visible when worn by Argonians.
Removed "ring" flag from Wolf Cuirass variant ARMA record.
Added CCO_SmithingReqGold condition to Elven and Thalmor Gilded armor recipes. (CCOR version only)
Updated Steel Armor variant "Simple" recipes so they are only displayed when the correct option is selected in the CCOR MCM. (CCOR version only)
Version 2.3
Fixed sleeveless Nordic Armor ground model to address CTD which could occur when it was dropped from inventory.
Version 2.2
Applied correct texture set to Gilded Thalmor Boots and enchanted versions.
Updated distribution of Muffle/Waterbreathing enchantments for consistency with WACCF.
Disabled distribution of Gilded Elven Boots of Muffling, as Elven Boots of Muffling aren't available in vanilla.
Added additional Boots of Muffling variants (not currently distributed or craftable) for future compatibility with Stealth Skills Rebalance SE.
Added Nordic Armor without pauldrons (simply named "Nordic Armor"), and Brown and White variants, using the meshes from "Nordic Carved Armor Without Pauldrons" by Meridiano. Renamed vanilla Nordic Armor to "Nordic Reinforced Armor". Added crafting, tempering, and breakdown recipes for new armors, as well as enchanted versions which are distributed to the appropriate leveled lists. Ground model provided by DrMonops.
Added DLC2SublistArmorNordicCuirassBlack_AMB, DLC2SublistArmorNordicCuirassBrown_AMB, and DLC2SublistArmorNordicCuirassWhite_AMB leveled lists and adjusted existing leveled lists to pull from these.
Removed Fur Plate variant tempering recipes for the Armor of the Midnight Hunt and Armor of the Northern Hunt (Savior's Hide Replicas), as well as the Imperial Outcast Bracers, in order to resolve an issue with having multiple tempering recipes for the same item.
Added enchanted versions of the white fur variant Steel Reinforced Armor (Steel Armor with Pauldrons) and distributed to appropriate leveled lists.
Version 2.1
Fixed LItemArmorShieldLightBest to use the Gilded Elven Shield instead of cuirass.
Removed ITM record ELC2EbonyWarriorOutfit.
Fixed Critical Damage values for several of the Skyforge Weapons.
Applied AMB Skyforge textures to DLC1LD_SkyforgeSteelDaggerNP.
Changed RNAM record on Thalmor and Vvardenfell Glass Helmets to DefaultRace.
Originally an addon for Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered, this mod provides support for the aMidianBorn Book of Silence, allowing multiple texture variations of the same armor types to appear simultaneously in the game, increasing the diversity of the items you'll find.
Provides full CCOR support for multiple texture variations from aMidianBorn Book of Silence.
Items have been added as both craftable variations and distributed throughout the world.
Includes two unique armor sets with previously unreleased textures from Cabal120.
Adds a complete set of Gilded Elven armor with a distinctive appearance to set it apart from standard Elven armor.
Gives Skyforge weapons a unique appearance that sets them apart from regular steel weapons.
Adds the missing Skyforge weapons (mace, warhammer, bow, arrows).
Added Gilded Ebony and Silvered Ebony variants.
Thalmor will wear darker versions of Elven and Glass armor.
Vvardenfell Glass armor can be found when traveling in Solstheim.
Added the white Wolf Armor variant as a higher ranking armor set available to members of the Circle.
Refined Iron armor is often sold by blacksmiths and worn by citizens and townfolk.
Iron helmets will appear the same when worn by both males and females.
Variations of Steel and Nordic armor can be found in loot and worn by NPCs.
Savior's Hide can be converted into alternate variations with black or white fur.
REQUIREMENTS The following mods are required in order to use this mod:
INSTALLATION Before installing this mod, go to aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE and install the CCOR CONTENT ADDON file. This is the ONLY file you need to download from the aMidianBorn Book of Silence page. It includes all of the textures from Book of Silence (Armors, Weapons, Creatures, Unique Items, and Dragonborn textures), as well as the texture variations needed for the Content Addon file.
Once you have installed the Book of Silence CCOR CONTENT ADDON option, then install this mod and enable both the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp and the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.bsa. These are the only aMidianBorn plugin and archive you should have in your load order.
Enjoy and please remember to endorse the wonderful work done by CaBaL and the AMB team!
This mod should work with most mods that change the armor meshes, as long as the altered meshes are designed to work with the vanilla textures.
This mod edits a number of Leveled Lists in order to distribute the new armor varieties; these changes may need to be merged with other mods that edit leveled lists.
This mod also makes changes to the Companion's quest "Take Up Arms" and may conflict with other mods that change this quest (USSEP changes to this quest have been included).
By default, the Imperial Outcast and Blacksmith's Pride sets have been added as unique "Easter egg" sets that can be found at specific locations in Skyrim. If you'd like to craft these sets, you can use the console to enter: set CraftUniqueSets_AMB to 1 (set to 0 to re-disable crafting).