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kryptopyr and CaBaL120

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About this mod

This file provides support for the texture variations included in aMidianborn Book of Silence, and simplifies the SE installation for Book of Silence.

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Originally an addon for Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered, this mod provides support for the aMidianBorn Book of Silence, allowing multiple texture variations of the same armor types to appear simultaneously in the game, increasing the diversity of the items you'll find.

  • Provides full CCOR support for multiple texture variations from aMidianBorn Book of Silence.
  • Items have been added as both craftable variations and distributed throughout the world.
  • Includes two unique armor sets with previously unreleased textures from Cabal120.
  • Adds a complete set of Gilded Elven armor with a distinctive appearance to set it apart from standard Elven armor.
  • Gives Skyforge weapons a unique appearance that sets them apart from regular steel weapons.
  • Adds the missing Skyforge weapons (mace, warhammer, bow, arrows).
  • Added Gilded Ebony and Silvered Ebony variants.
  • Thalmor will wear darker versions of Elven and Glass armor.
  • Vvardenfell Glass armor can be found when traveling in Solstheim.
  • Added the white Wolf Armor variant as a higher ranking armor set available to members of the Circle.
  • Refined Iron armor is often sold by blacksmiths and worn by citizens and townfolk.
  • Iron helmets will appear the same when worn by both males and females.
  • Variations of Steel and Nordic armor can be found in loot and worn by NPCs.
  • Savior's Hide can be converted into alternate variations with black or white fur.

The following mods are required in order to use this mod:
The following mods are recommend:
Before installing this mod, go to aMidianBorn Book of Silence SE and install the CCOR CONTENT ADDON file. This is the ONLY file you need to download from the aMidianBorn Book of Silence page. It includes all of the textures from Book of Silence (Armors, Weapons, Creatures, Unique Items, and Dragonborn textures), as well as the texture variations needed for the Content Addon file.

Once you have installed the Book of Silence CCOR CONTENT ADDON option, then install this mod and enable both the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp and the aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.bsa. These are the only aMidianBorn plugin and archive you should have in your load order.

Enjoy and please remember to endorse the wonderful work done by CaBaL and the AMB team!

  • Compatibility patches can be found here.
  • This mod should work with most mods that change the armor meshes, as long as the altered meshes are designed to work with the vanilla textures.
  • This mod edits a number of Leveled Lists in order to distribute the new armor varieties; these changes may need to be merged with other mods that edit leveled lists.
  • This mod also makes changes to the Companion's quest "Take Up Arms" and may conflict with other mods that change this quest (USSEP changes to this quest have been included).
  • By default, the Imperial Outcast and Blacksmith's Pride sets have been added as unique "Easter egg" sets that can be found at specific locations in Skyrim. If you'd like to craft these sets, you can use the console to enter: set CraftUniqueSets_AMB to 1 (set to 0 to re-disable crafting).

Cabal120 for all of his wonderful textures, and most of the assets included in the Content Addon file.
Modd3r, EmeraldReign, & Eckss for their contributions in creating the original Content Addon file.
DrMonops for his help in updating and porting this file to SE.
titanbass1 for his invaluable help with the 3.0.0 update and his continued support.
deletepch for the aMidianBorn Matching Armory - Glass Armor and Weapons.
NickNak for meshes from Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with Animations.
jg1 for meshes from Believable Weapons.
ikonomov for meshes from Better-Shaped Bows of the Heavens.
OperatorCactus for textures from Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture (licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0).
Erlioniel and sumugi for textures from Elven Weapons for Silence SE.
MidnightVoyager for Glass Tweaks and help with testing.
bientje for  Greatswords Have Scabbards Straps Sheaths.
PrivateEye for meshes from Heavy Armory - New Weapons.
LeanWolf and masterofshadows for meshes from LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons.
Meridiano for meshes from Nordic Carved Armor Without Pauldrons.
JZBai for meshes from Practical Female Armors SE.
Iconic for textures from Project Clarity - Vanilla Weapon Textures Redone.
Kartoffels and Soulmancer for Quality CubeMaps - HD Cube Maps Optimized.
furexarot for meshes from HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors.

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