About this mod
As the name says, iUnlock is a simple and immersive spell that allows you to open any lock based on your Alteration skill level.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Changelogs

Have you ever wondered why your pure mage character who hates getting their hands dirty should be forced to open doors and chests with lockpicks?
Well I did (and you probably did too, since you are here), so I started searching for a mod which could allow my mage to open doors and containers with magic.
I found several of them, some better than others, but being as picky as I am I didn't like any of those. It was at that moment that I thought "Wait, it's been quite a while now that you wanted to start messing around in the CK, why not trying to make your own Unlock Spell?". And so I did.
iUnlock adds to the game an apprentice level unlock spell. Simple as that. Just aim at the lock and fire and if your Alteration skill turns out to be high enough the lock will pop open with a much satisfying sound.
When you fire the spell at a door or container the game checks if your Alteration skill level is higher or equal to the lock's level: if it is, a sound will play and the lock will open, otherwise a message will inform you that you can't open the lock with you current skills.
The spell does NOT allow you to open doors and containers that requires a key: if you try anyway, a message will tell you that in order to open the lock you will need a key.
Casting the spell on a locked door or container and successfully opening it raises the player's Alteration skill. The amount of exp points gained depends on the level of the lock.
There shouldn't be any incompatibility issue since the mod mostly adds new things. It only edits one cell to place the Spell Tome, but that shouln't raise any critical conflict even with mods that edit the same cell.
A Spell Research compatible version is available: it imports the spell into Spell Research's system (the Spell Tome is still available).
Just install with your mod manager of choice. Load order shouldn't matter.
Version 0.1.0+ (Standard Version and Spell Research version)
- Load the game and make sure the spell is unequipped
- Open the console and type "help _RKT_StartSearchingForLocks" without quotes
- You should see a line starting with QUST followed by _RKT_StartSearchingForLocks and an ID which looks like XX0012CA (the first two digits depend on your load order)
- Type in the console "setstage XX0012CA 100" without quotes and replacing XX with your first two digits
- Save the game and exit
- Uninstall the mod
Version 0.0.1
- Load the game and make sure the spell is unequipped
- Save the game and exit
- Uninstall the mod
- Follow the instructions for uninstalling the mod
- After uninstalling the old version, load the game and save
- Exit the game and install the new version
- Load the game
- Open the console and type "help Unlock" without quotes
- You should see a line starting with BOOK followed by Spell Tome: Unlock and an ID which looks like XX000D64 (the first two digits depend on your load order). If you don't see it scroll through the results with the Page Up key on your keyboard
- Type in the console "player.additem XX000D64 1" without quotes and replacing XX with your first two digits
- Read the added book to re-learn the spell
The spell tome can be bought from various vendors and can be found in a set location (see the spoiler at the end of the description if you want to know the location).
WARNING: if you use the console to learn the spell you will break the mod. If you want to use the console to get the spell add the Spell Tome to your inventory and then read it to learn the spell.
At this moment the mod is fully functioning, but incomplete. Currently using the spell while being detected by guards or other people does not count as a crime. I plan to change that. With the addition of some sort of crime detection the mod will be complete.
This mod was born as a personal project which I later decided to release publicly. I thought that sharing it with people more expert than me could allow me, thanks to their feedback, to improve my modding and scripting knowledge and, at the same time, I wanted to provide something that others could like and find useful.
For the reason stated above I've decided to release the source files with my mod so that others can improve it and change it to their liking. The only thing I ask to whoever decide to improve my mod is to inform me and send me the improved version so that I can upload it here and allow everyone to use it.
I apologize for any grammatical error that I may have made in the mod or in the description above. English is not my first language, but I tried my best to avoid any error.