What I edited:
- Added oven and butter churn
- A few extra chairs
- Removed most of the hay and wood piles in the entrance - it's a noble family's home, not a stable!
- Some additional storage in the Enchanting corner
- Guest room now has space for two (if you don't like how it's divided you can disable the new wall and door, navmesh somehow fits both options)
- Shrines to the Reclamations have been added to a shelf in the main bedroom
Compatible with everything except other Severin Manor overhauls.
Tested and confirmed compatible with:
- Dorethi - Severin Manor Guard
Also I played the relevant quest with this mod active and there was no interference.
Other similar mods:
- Simple Breezehome Improvements
- Simple Honeyside Improvements
- Simple Proudspire Improvements
- Simple Hjerim Improvements
- Simple Vlindrel Hall Improvements
- ALL IN ONE: Simple Player Homes Improvements