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About this mod
Port of a mod "Inferno- The Blood Marked"
Forgotten through the annals of time an ominous being known only as the Ascendant seeks to spread its influences of evil. Journey to its kingdom of shadow and fight your way to its throne.
Will you rise above the darkness or surrender to the void?
- Permissions and credits
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I am NOT an autor of this mod. The original autor is gorelus89 . I only port it to SE.
Other parts:
First part: https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/37495
Second part: https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/37497
Third part: https://www.nexusmod...ion/mods/37499/
If you have any propositions what to port next, write to me in private message. Not in comment!!!
Forgotten through the annals of time an ominous being known only as the Ascendant seeks to spread its influences of evil. Journey to its kingdom of shadow and fight your way to its throne.
Will you rise above the darkness or surrender to the void?

Death awaits in this final installment as you journey into the realm of the Ascendant to learn of its origins and its evils. One last challenge to embrace, one last fight to conquer. Do you have what it takes to survive the Inferno?
This mod includes:
Main Storyline
Journey into a realm of mystery and intrigue as you battle through new and exciting enemies like never before. Includes custom items, hidden dialogue, and an entirely new soundtrack.
New Spells and Summons
Dominant your foes with over 30 new spells and summons as you master forbidden magic lost throughout time.
Enhanced Combat
Inspired by titles such as Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and Dragon's Dogma experience a level of combat never before seen in an Elder Scrolls title as bosses and enemies have been overhauled for a more action oriented approach. Please note that you will need to make use of Static Sprint and utilize the third-person camera angle to get the full effect of this mod.
IMPORTANT: This mod is extremely difficult and may not appeal to everyone. Use your best judgment before installing. Elements added through this mod will be considered overpowered by the standards of the default game. Not recommended for low-end computers and beginning players. If the mod becomes too challenging remember that the difficulty can be lowered (the novice setting is recommended for your first play through).
The one requirement for this mod is Skyrim (latest version recommended).
In order to compensate for both arguments (quest vs no quest) there is not direct quest that will be initiated at the start of this mod. However there is a map marker which will reveal the location on which you need to travel to.
If you are new to the Inferno series, Inferno: Envoys of End is a good place to start. The mod is available below:

This mod can be started by heading to the main area outside of Bleak Falls Barrow. There you will encounter a low leveled member of the Ascendant. Once defeated you will need to loot his body to find a journal which will point you to a newly added location highlighted on your map (by default the location is already added to your map for easy access).
IMPORTANT: If you do not have Inferno: Envoys of End (Advents of Flame or Reborn) installed it is highly recommended that you defeat the member of the Ascendant in order to obtain your first Xamnant. You will need to utilize these tomes in order to combat the enemies that await your journey.

This mod can be installed through the Nexus Mod Manager or downloaded manually and unzipped using an extraction program, which allows you to unpack files (WinRAR, 7-zip, etc).
Extract the contents of the file to a memorable location and either copy or drag the extracted folder (the outside folder called Data) into your Skyrim folder. Depending on how your game was installed the file will be in varying locations (if you are using Skyrim Special Edition the (Skyrim) folder will be replaced with (Skyrim Special Edition):
C: Program Files (x86) Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
C: Program Files Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
C: Games Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data
Do not forget to activate the esp using the Skyrim Launcher or Nexus Mod Manager. This mod should be placed at the bottom of your load order to prevent possible issues. To remove this mod and its contents you will need to deactivate and uninstall with the Nexus Mod Manager or manually remove:
IMPORTANT: If you choose to manually uninstall this mod then please refer to the Readme included within the file of this mod.
It is recommended to have a clean save as a backup in case of any issues that may occur before and after the installation. There are no scripts contained within this mod.

IMPORTANT: The navmeshing in this mod in designed to prevent bosses and enemies from leaving their perimeters. Followers should not be taken or spawned within the altar.
On occasion the default soundtrack will play when engaged against the enemies and bosses presented in this mod( all enemies and bosses should have a custom soundtrack). This issue can be resolved by reloading or waiting for the default soundtrack to end and the custom music to trigger.
Lights will sometimes flicker in the chambers when entering/exiting an altar. This is more of an inconvenience than an issue but should still be appropriately listed in this section.
Right now there are no other issues to be listed. If you encounter any additional issues please send me a message in the comment section or private message me and I will update this section accordingly once confirmed.

IMPORTANT: When installing pay close attention to what this mod is asking to overwrite. Inferno: The Blood Marked utilizes a variety of meshes from the default game that a majority of outside mods alter. This mod is fully compatible with Inferno: Envoys of End and Inferno: Advents of Flame.
Inferno: The Blood Marked is designed around the terrain include in the default version of Skyrim. Climate overhauls which remove snow and replace flora will interfere with the environments included in this mod. If you wish to get the full experience of Inferno: The Blood Marked it is recommended (not required) that you temporarily turn off any mods which replace the climate/flora in the default game. Otherwise results may vary.
Mods which tweak or replace the look of the magical effects/explosions within the default game may effect the visuals of the abilities included within this mod (the mod Electrify is an example of this).
Right now there are no other incompatibilities to be listed. If you encounter any additional incompatibilities please send me a message in the comment section or private message me and I will update this section accordingly once confirmed.

IMPORTANT: Inferno: The Blood Marked introduces new mechanics to traditional gameplay. It is highly recommended that you read this section, which highlights the changes that are introduced from installing this mod. Please note these changes are only applied to the attributes of this mod.

Xamnants are ancient forms of magic unique to this mod series. What separates these spells from the standard magic available within the default game is that nearly all Xamnants ignore spell absorption and resistances; allowing them to bypass immunities that certain enemies may hold to elements of magic. In Inferno: The Blood Marked, Xamnants reference two attributes when calculating damage. These aspects are as followed:
Spell Damage (SD): The amount of damage that is done when the spell effect of a selected Xamnant strikes an enemy.
Blast Damage (BD): The amount of damage that is done when the explosion of a selected Xamnant strikes an enemy.
IMPORTANT: Certain enemies within this mod can resist various forms of spell damage from Xamnants. When a Xamnant is used against an enemy that harbors a natural resistance to its specific element the selected Xamnant will only calculate the blast when determining damage. You will receive a message at the top of your screen stating that the targeted enemy has resisted the spell damage when this factor occurs.

The full experience of this mod can only be achieved by employing the use of Static Sprint. This Xamnant greatly increases your level of speed and maneuverability; allowing you to dodge and outmaneuver your opponent to escape their lethal blows. Since all bosses and enemies revolve around this notion it is imperative you make use of this spell the moment it is acquired.

The enemies introduced in Inferno: The Blood Marked have distinct abilities which they are able to utilize throughout the course of battle. Abilities range from passive skills such as heightened resistances to magic to the more potent such as being able to unleash powerful spells to shatter their foes. Please refer to the strategy guide section for a detailed analysis of each enemy presented in this mod and a list of their abilities.
IMPORTANT: All enemies (excluding Vithdovah) are immune to the common forms of magic found within the default game. You will need to heavily rely on the use of Xamannts in order to inflict spell based damage.

Certain bosses drop forms of collectable fragments from their attacks. These fragments can be harnessed, stored in your inventory, and released to deal massive amounts of damage to bosses and enemies. Simply select the option "Take" when an explosion makes the choice available. You can release these fragments by navigating to your miscellaneous inventory, selecting the name of the fragment for usage, and dropping it from your hold.
IMPORTANT: Use with caution on low-end computers, dropping too many fragments at once can potentially freeze your game. However, a simple restart will fix the issue.

Explosions introduced within this mod will have a direct impact on the terrain. Instead of a simple effect which triggers after a blast, explosions will now trigger dirt and debris to erupt from the ground; leaving behind a trail of smoke and lingering flames from the aftermath (all effects will fade after the duration of two minutes).
With this unique feature explosions are impactful and offer a sense of weight rather than the standard flash and flair. Enhanced Explosions is only applied to explosions which will gain the most benefit from its usage so not all spells are altered from this mechanic.

Brush up on battle with this helpful strategy guide for Inferno: The Blood Marked. Please note that four final enemies are not covered in this guide due to reasons concerning the story. You will need to uncover their abilities for yourself.

This serpent like dragon is one of the great envoys resurrected through the power of the Xamnants. It guards the entrance to the Chamber of the Vanguard and will attack any who attempt entry. Come prepared with your finest weapons and gear as a fight with this dragon is defiantly not for the faint of heart. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Reversal: Vithdovah will veil itself in an aura of flame; reversing all physical damage it takes in battle. Beware the activation of this ability as the more damage you inflict on the dragon the more pain you inflict on yourself. Using spells is a good way to get around this power.
Upheaval of Fire: With this ability Vithdovah is able to unleash an array of fiery explosions towards its target. Make use of the terrain for coverage as you do not want to get caught in this line of fire.

These mischievous beings serve as scavengers of the void; often trailing behind larger enemies for food and safety. With a natural affinity to fire and shadow these creatures are not to be taken lightly. There are four types of scamps that you will encounter throughout this mod. The classes for these enemies are as followed:
Standard (Type 1): This variation is the weakest amongst the four classes. Mainly comprised of scamps that cannot achieve the strength or level of magic needed in order to advance amongst their ranks. Their abilities are as followed:
Hands of Fire: This spell covers its victim in a scorching flame; inflicting damage on both their health and stamina. Stay out of range of scamps that cast this spell or it will burn through your health and slow your speed to a crawl.
Shadow Healing: A scamp will cast this ability once their health reaches below 25%; using the power of the void to replenish lost health and magicka. Immediately attack after this ability is employed as this power cannot be used in great succession.
Mage (Type 2): Scamps which fall under this category are aligned with the element of magic; able to unleash potent spells to do away with their foes. Not only are mages able to harness the same powers as that of the standard scamps but they are able to make use of an ability known as Unbound Flames. The definition for this power is provided below:
Unbound Flames: This spell unleashes a stream of fire that inflicts heavy amounts of damage when direct contact is made with its target. You will need to immediately prep yourself for healing when this power is being used as a single hit can gravely impact your health.
Hunter (Type 3): Hunters are masters of marksmanship; firing every shot with unprecedented skill and accuracy. As a rule of thumb a hunter should be slain as soon as it makes its presence known as their debilitating shots can easily cripple you in battle.
Elite (Type 4): This legendary rank is reserved only for the strongest of the breed. These wielders of the blade swing with every intent to kill and will not hesitate to tackle enemies twice their size. When fighting a group of scamps that holds this class in its ranks it is best you target these warriors last as they require dedicated attention in order to be put down.

Monstrous brutes that dwell deep within the chasms of the void; commonly known for their high defense and unrivaled savagery. When facing off against a gehenoth keep a good distance. Being on the receiving end of an attack from this creature is an outcome you defiantly want to forgo. The ability for this enemy is as followed:
Knock Down: With their heavily weighted claws gehenoths are able to knock their victims to the ground with the slightest of ease. In addition there is a 45% chance you will drop your currently equipped weapon due to the force of the impact (this ability does not affect quest weapons).

A creature of unknown origin. It rests within the Chamber of the Primordial, awaiting a soul brave enough to free it from its prison. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Terra Smash: A spell which summons random erupting fissures from the depths of the earth. Use the surrounding rocks of the chamber to hoist yourself away from its fury. This spell can be identified by its loud hum right before it is released.
Pounce: Similar to the Knock Down ability of the Void Gehenoth, Baulroth can knock you off your feet and disarm you (there is a 25% chance this ability will occur and does not affect quest weapons) if it happens to land a critical hit while pouncing. Try not to initiate a pounce from the creature if you wish on staying rooted to the ground.

Unlike the domesticated guar native to Morrowind these fiery fiends are far from friendly. Hunting in packs they overpower their prey through sheer numbers and devastating force. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Upchuck: Fire Guars harbor a unique trait which allows them to convert the gas within their stomachs to a surge of potent flames. Though deadly this blast is easy enough to avoid as guars will telegraph their movements before releasing this power.
Fire Starter: When confronted in battle this species of guar can trigger a burst of fire with each physical attack. A direct approach to combat is not recommended as this attack hits for a hefty sum of damage.

Orlog is an impenetrable force of destruction. He shatters his enemies with the strength of his axe and the weight of his ire. You do not want to be on the receiving end of his vicious blows. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Static Chaser: Once casts this electrical spell will track the movements of its target; pursuing them until it makes contact. Use the shout Become Ethereal to bait Orlog into swinging his axe as a shift in his attacks will expunge this power from usage.
Power Swing: With axe in hand Orlog is almost unstoppable. With a mighty swing he is able to send you hurdling towards the ground; knocking the weapon from your hand in the process (there is a 25% chance this ability will occur and does not affect quest weapons). Be careful as a critical hit can initiate this ability.

A soul lost to the shadows of the void. Whatever past he held is all but a memory as he slowly fades into darkness. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Slash of Flame: With every swing of his swords the Lost One releases a surge of fire. Try to circle around him to avoid taking a good brunt of the damage from his attacks.
Fire Bombardment: This spell unleashes a barrage of fiery projectiles towards its target. The pillars which line the chamber serve as a good source of protection against its fury.

These horrid hounds follow the orders of the Lost One. Acting on their master's behalf and fiercely chasing down his foes in battle. Not only are these dogs distracting but dangerous to boot as their bite is definitely worse than their bark. The ability for this enemy is as followed:
Pungent Smog: Smog Hounds emit a fatal miasma from their bodies; inflicting passive damage over the extent of time. You will need to adopt a hit and run strategy if you hope on lasting against these beasts in battle.

Shadow Hounds are feral beasts of the void. Revered for their massive size and frightening power. Scamps will often raise these creatures for the means of protection and hunting. They are agile runners and can easily strike you down if given the opportunity. The ability for this enemy is as followed:
Shadow Coat: The essence of the void spreads through their body as shadow hounds are able to apply this chaotic energy to all forms of their physical attack. Take heed as this ability acts as a multiplier; doubling the damage one would have taken from a single blow.

Hellish beasts commonly found in the wilds of Oblivion. With supreme strength and destructive fury those foolish enough to fight these monsters rarely return to tell the tales. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Outburst: Outburst is the main form of attack for a Daedroth. Exhaling an eruption of fire to dish out damage. Make good use of Static Sprint in order to dodge these fatal blasts.
Destructive Might: A Daedroth can swing its hands in a fit of rage creating powerful bursts of flame. You can recognize when this power is being used as the Daedroth will glow orange in frustration.

Venmaah is the deadliest creature you will encounter in this mod. Its power is legendary and rivals that of even the envoys. There is no room for errors when entering this fight as Venmaah will swiftly punish you for your mistakes. The abilities for this creature are as followed:
Static Strike: Venmaah can fire a beam of energy from the sky, blasting away its foes in a surge of electricity. This ability can be identified by the blue glow that will envelop the beast right before this attack is launched. Your only hopes in avoiding this spell is by taking cover in the surrounding area.
Unbound Lightinng Storm: Before it was refined amongst the schools of magic the spell Lightning Storm existed as a form of limitless power. So devastating is this spell that enemies are destroyed almost immediately on contact. Worse is the fact that Venmaah can use this spell as both a shield and sword. Concealing its body in its electrical currents while releasing its might to abolish its foes. Stay quick on your feet if you want to avoid its wrath.

Wildermers are powerful denizens of the void, equipped with piercing claws and a set of sharp fangs to match. These monsters were once a great race of Mer; renowned for their beauty but corrupted by the influence of the Xamnants and the ever-growing thirst for their power. Horrific beasts are all that remains of their lost civilization. The abilities for this enemy are as followed:
Shadow Slash: Take caution against this attack. With claws infused in the elements of shadow this ability is strong enough to override your defenses and strike you for a devastating blow.
Shadow Breath: A Wildermer is able to exhale a dense smog of shadows on its foe. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a hit from this attack you will need to heavily rely on healing as the damage will linger on your health.

These once inanimate objects now breathe life through the wonders of magic and alchemy. They are incredibly hard to damage and even tougher to kill. You will need to use weapons or magic with high damage ratings if you hope on being able to even put a dent in their health. The abilities for this creature are as followed:
Stone Cast: Stone Cast is a unique ability which works on both its target and caster. It raises the defense of its caster, but drains stamina and speed when the same effect is applied to its target. Stamina Potions are your weapon of choice when you find yourself are on the receiving end of this skill.
Lunge: Lunge is identical to the pounce ability of Baulroth. An Alchemic Beast is able to pummel you to the ground if it happens to land a critical blow (there is a 25% chance this ability will occur and does not affect quest weapons). Try to dodge this form of physical attack when possible.

A monster forged from earth and stone. Its colossal size is a double-edged sword as it is easy enough to hit but almost impossible to dodge. Speed is your only friend as you will need to outrun this brute if you hope on having any chance at survival. The ability for this enemy is as followed:
Sandstorm: The Stone Atronach can call upon the power of the earth to summon a sandstorm in battle. This ability not only damages health but it will severely cloud your vision as the dust radiating from the storm will make it almost impossible to see. Stay far away from the beast when you see this spell approaching.

With enemies at every turn your journey to the Ascendant will be far from easy. Ease your burden with helpful hints and information found only in this complete guide for Inferno: The Blood Marked.
IMPORTANT: Enemies will drop a Heart of Shadow on death. This peculiar item can be consumed to regain health. You can unlock all four effects of the heart provided you are skilled in alchemy.

Bleak falls Barrow will be the start of your journey; search the main area outside the entrance to encounter the Zealot of the Ascendant. He is extremely hostile, but with lackluster spells and dismal health you should be able to defeat him out without any problems. A map to his location is provided below:

Once slain search his body to uncover the first Xamnant (Spatial Flash) of this mod as well as two journals which will shed some light on the situation. The journal titled “Dawn of Eternity” will direct you to a mysterious altar located north of Fort Hraggstad. See Map below:

Your arrival will alert the dragon Vithdovah to your presence. This great beast will swoop down from the sky and immediately engage you in battle. Serving as protector of the altar it will destroy any who attempt to trespass on these grounds. Use the surrounding terrain for coverage as the dragon will unleash a stream of fiery bursts with every aim to destroy you. Slaying this beast will allow you to obtain a Xamnant (Fire Summon: Vithdovah) off its corpse; granting you the ability you to summon this creature as long as you have the magicka to do so.
With the dragon defeated continue to make your way towards the altar. Stand close enough to its flames and it will prompt you to enter the Chamber of the Vanguard. This chamber is a safe zone where you can recover your health before moving forward.
The Vanguard will lead you to the Visceral. A chamber on which a Void Gehenoth and two variations of Shadow Scamps await. When entering this fight you will need to focus not only on the lumbering gehenoth but the scamps as well. These mischievous fiends will easily prove to be a deadly nuisance if left unattended throughout battle. Prevailing through this fight will allow you to claim the rewards of your labor. The scamps will provide three Xamnants (Fire Summon: Shadow Scamp, Fire Summon: Shadow Scamp Mage, and Unbound Flames) on which you can collect; while the gehenoth will relinquish the ever so needed Static Sprint. Static Sprint is the main mechanic on which combat revolves around in this mod as you will need to make use of this power in order to avoid the speed of certain attacks and enemies.
With your newly acquired spells in hand take the opposite tunnel leading west and you will find yourself at the Chamber of the Primordial. This newly discovered chamber is home to Baulroth, a beast capable of wielding the very might of earth against you. Battling this brute will proof quite the challenge as it can conjure massive earthquakes to do way with its foes. If you time your attacks and use the rocks which line this area as a means of safety you should be able to win out over this beast. Loot its body to recover a Xamnant (Terra Smash) and a small journal which will provide additional clues to the plot of this story. With three bosses down its time to tackle another. Climb the platform of stones at the far end of this room and opt to venture further into the Chamber of the Enigma.
An Alpha Wildermer can be found in this room. Unlike the standard variant of this creature the Alpha Wildermer has a massive increase in its physical strength. A single swipe from its claws can severely wreak havoc on your health. Static Sprint is the key to victory as the attacks of the Wildermer are too fast to rely on your average speed. After its defeat the creature will provide the Xamnant, Static Surge. Claim your prize and head to the Chamber of the Renounced to continue.

The Chamber of Renounced is home to an old friend. A Void Gehenoth is waiting in the wings along with a set of Fire Guars eager for battle. This chamber is extremely difficult. Unlike the enemies which were easily slain in the chamber of the Visceral these creatures have an increase in health and are able to inflict a greater amount of damage in battle. Slowly work on bringing down the group as you use the pillars to avoid the Upchuck ability of the guars. When all three are eliminated, search their bodies to obtain Xamnants (Fire Summon: Fire Guar and Fire Summon: Void Gehenoth) which will allow you to summon a Fire Guar and the very powerful Void Gehenoth. When you are ready to move on, look for the path which lies at the far corner of the pit, follow its route and it will lead you to the Chamber of the Beset.
The boss of this chamber, Orlog the Impending is unlike any boss you have fought so far. His mighty axe and ability Static Chaser is a deadly combination not to be trifled with. Static Sprint needs to be heavily employed in this fight as you cannot outrun Static Chaser without an increase in agility. When he is down for the count finish him off and move forward to the Chamber of the Martyr.
The Lost One and his loyal hounds rests within this chamber. Appropriately named Smog Hounds these dogs will inflict passive damage over the extent of time thanks to their ability Pungent Smog. In order to prevent a rather frustrating fight you will need to slay the hounds before directing your attention to their master. When the Lost One is finally slain and his bothersome hounds defeated retrieve the Xamnant (Fire Summon: Smog Hound) that is held within his inventory and you will gain the ability to summon a Smog Hound for your upcoming battles.
Your next encounter is located in the Chamber of the Vindictive (this chamber is accessible through the room located on the far left in the Chamber of the Martyr). Here you will have to deal with a mixed bag of enemies made up of Shadow Scamp Mages, Hunters, Elites and your standard fair. In addition a pair of menacing Shadow Hounds have decided to crash the party. Running and gunning is your safest bet in this brawl as spending too much time on a single enemy will allow the others to close in on your position. Winning this battle will grant you three summons (Fire Summon: Shadow Scamp Hunter, Fire Summon: Shadow Scamp Elite, and Fire Summon: Shadow Hound) and the satisfaction of a fight well fought. The Chamber of the Arduous now awaits (the altar for this Chamber is located nearest to the entrance for the altar of the Vindictive).
Entering this area will pit you against a powerful Daedroth. This deadly beast is a walking inferno; exhaling punishing bursts of fire to extinguish its foes. Fortunately the fallen structures of this zone serve as excellent hiding spots to escape its wrath. Putting down this fiery fiend will not be an easy task but once eliminated you can obtain the Xamnant (Fire Bombardment) off its remains and make you way to the Chamber of the Abhorred (located to the far left of the room) for an even tougher foe.
Venmaah is a horrific beast which can be found lurking in the Chamber of the Abhorred. Its weapon of choice is electricity; able to unleash destructive surges of energy to vanquish its foes. Summons can be used to draw the attention of the beast while you steadily work on bringing down its health. Once you put an end to its wrath search the fallen creature for its Xamnant which will teach you the Static Strike ability Venmaah used in battle. Next stop is the Chamber of the Bewailed (accessible by entering the altar resting on a pile of stones).
The main enemies of this chamber are a set of Wildermer that have joined forces to fight you in this battle. Pick one enemy to focus your attention on as tackling two at the same time is a dangerous concept to undertake. Slaying the Wildermers in this room will give you the opportunity to add another Xanmant (Fire Summon: Wildermer) to your arsenal.
The final chamber before reaching the main bosses of this mod is the Chamber of the Resentful. In this room you will find a Stone Atronach along with a couple of Alchemic Beasts to halt your progress. The Atronach is the real problem as it Sandstorm ability will easily cloud your vision and devastate your health. You will need to desperately rely on Static Sprint as the Atronach is nearly impossible to outmaneuver without its use. Once you have defeated the enemies in this room loot their bodies to acquire their Xamnants (Fire Summon: Alchemic Beast and Fury of the Wind) and move on to the final two rooms by following the open path before you.
The Chamber of the Relinquished is the first of the final two areas of this mod. Due to reasons concerning the story the names of the last two bosses will not be revealed. However, keep in mind that the boss in this room is exceptionally fast and can release destructive beams of light to track your movements. The various obstacles in the room can be used as shelter against these brutal assaults. When the boss is defeated he will disappear and you can make your way to the final chamber (Chamber of the Envoy) which lies directly before you.
The final boss is a tough encounter. Sending wave after wave of minions for you to contend with. Make good use of Xamnants which inflict widespread damage and you should be able to put an end to this chaos. With the final boss vanquished and its body looted, make your way to the final altar which lies ahead and exit the room. You will now find yourself back at the Chamber of the Vanguard where you are free to return to the land of Skyrim. Enjoy your new found powers you definitely earned them!

IMPORTANT: The end is just the beginning! In order to obtain the exceedingly rare summons and spells (see the Xamnant Guide for addition details) from this mod you will need to defeat the final boss multiple times. Luckily all enemies will respawn every 20 days in game provided that every enemy has been successfully killed within the chambers on each previous run. In order to speed up this process the following steps can be used:
Find a location with a bed (must be a bed that can be slept in)
Open the console command and enter pcb
Enter SetGS iHoursToRespawnCell 1
Enter SetGS iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 1
Sleep for more than an hour
Travel back to the Mysterious Altar and the enemies will have spawned within the chambers.
IMPORTANT: Please note that this will reset all respawnable dungeons within the game. The dragon Vithdovah is not set to respawn.

The Xamnant Guide provides information on the location and details of every Xamnant which can currently be acquired in this mod. Xamnants are subdivided into three categories. These classifications include:

Xamannts which are categorized under the Knowledge attribute focus on enhancing and heightening skills which fall outside the area of battle. The list of available spells are as followed:

Static Sprint: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of electricity. It increases the speed of the caster for 2 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Void Gehenoth located in the Chamber of the Visceral.)
Veil of Flame: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of the flames. Fortifies magicka by 300 and grants basic resistance to fire for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating Orlog the Impending.)

Xamannts which are categorized under the Ruin attribute focus on the elements of combat and destruction. The list of available spells are as followed:

Spatial Flash: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of time. Unleashing a surge of energy from the hands of its caster. SD: 25 BD: 130 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Zealot of the Ascendant located outside the main area of Bleak Falls Barrow.)
Unbound Flames: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of the flames. It unleashes a stream of deadly fire upon its foes. SD: 40 BD: 150 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Shadow Scamp Mage located in the Chamber of the Visceral.)
Terra Smash: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of earth. Smiting its victims with massive fragments of stone. SD: 225 BD: 225 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating Baulroth.)
Static Surge: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of electricity. Its powerful explosions can strike multiple targets. SD: 80 BD: 190 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Alpha Wildermer.)
Fire Bombardment: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of the flames. Creates an enormous ember which casts fiery projectiles. SD: 20 BD: 270 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Daedroth.)
Static Strike: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of electricity. It strikes the earth with a potent burst of energy. SD: 90 BD: 200 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating Venmaah.)
Fury of the Wind: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of the wind. Forming strong gusts to knockback its foes. SD: 8 BD: 0 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Alchemic Beasts located in the Chamber of the Resentful.)
Unbound Soul Trap: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of souls. It drains and traps the spirit of its victim. SD: 70 BD: 150 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Barrage: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of the flames. Fires multiple fireballs at a rapid rate. SD: 70 BD: 94 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Unbound Lightning Storm: A Xamnant which utilizes the power of electricity. Destructive by nature it creates ripples of deadly energy. SD: 8 BD: 360 (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)

Xamannts which are categorized under the Summoning attribute focus on the ability to call forth powerful creatures for your control. Please note that three spells are not covered in this section due to reasons concerning the story. You will need to discover these summons for yourself. The list of available spells are as followed:

Fire Summon- Vithdovah: Through the will of fire Vithdovah can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating Vithdovah.)
Fire Summon- Shadow Scamp: Through the will of fire a Shadow Scamp can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Shadow Scamp located in the Chamber of the Visceral.)
Fire Summon- Shadow Scamp Mage: Through the will of fire a Shadow Scamp Mage can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Shadow Scamp Mage located in the Chamber of the Visceral.)
Fire Summon- Fire Guar: Through the will of fire a Fire Guar can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Fire Guars located in the Chamber of the Renounced.)
Fire Summon- Void Gehenoth: Through the will of fire a Void Gehenoth can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Void Gehenoth located in the Chamber of the Renounced.)
Fire Summon- Smog Hound: Through the will of fire a Smog Hound can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Lost One located in the Chamber of the Martyr.)
Fire Summon- Shadow Scamp Hunter: Through the will of fire a Shadow Scamp Hunter can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Shadow Scamp Hunters located in the Chamber of the Vindictive.)
Fire Summon- Shadow Scamp Elite: Through the will of fire a Shadow Scamp Elite can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Shadow Scamp Elites located in the Chamber of the Vindictive.)
Fire Summon- Shadow Hound: Through the will of fire a Shadow Hound can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Shadow Hounds located in the Chamber of the Vindictive.)
Fire Summon- Wildermer: Through the will of fire a Wildermer can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating one of the Wildermer located in the Chamber of the Bewailed.)
Fire Summon- Alchemic Beast: Through the will of fire an Alchemic Beast can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the Stone Atronach.)
Fire Summon- Baulroth: Through the will of fire Baulroth can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Alpha Wildermer: Through the will of fire an Alpha Wildermer can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Orlog the Impending: Through the will of fire Orlog the Impending can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Lost One: Through the will of fire the Lost One can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Daedroth: Through the will of fire a Daedroth can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Venmaah: Through the will of fire Venmaah can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)
Fire Summon- Stone Atronach: Through the will of fire the Stone Atronach can be summoned. Duration last for 4 minutes. (This Xamnant can be acquired by defeating the final boss of this mod.)

This mod and its contents may not be posted or distributed to outside sites without my permission. If you wish to use content from this mod please private message me for consideration. In addition you will need to get permission from all third party recipients for the assets you wish to use ( a detailed list is available for view in the credits section of this mod). Please be aware that certain assets will not be considered regardless of requests.

IMPORTANT: In regards to borrowed resources. If your name is not listed as a credited individual then I either did not use your resources in the finalized version of the mod or I have simply overlooked your name. Please private message me regarding recognition and once confirmed I will add your name to this section. Level design, gameplay design, voice-acting, custom textures (creatures and items), and artwork were done by me. Please do not attempt to falsify information regarding the creation of these assets.
This section is dedicated to those who have assisted with the creation of this mod or have allowed me to use various assets and resources in order to complete this project. Names are as followed:
Name: Aliens218
Recognition: Created the soundtrack used throughout this mod and provided custom sounds for creatures.
Name: Slothability- YouTube Channel
Recognition: Created trailer for Inferno: The Blood Marked
Name: Dogtown
Recognition: Provided the meshes and original textures for the Guar, Goat Hybrid, Daedroth, Chimera Griffin, and Vampire Hound.
Name: Stewcalkins722- Nexus Profile
Recognition: Provided Normal Maps for Creatures and Items (Resource transferred from Inferno: Envoys of End)
Name: Vicn- Vicn Creature Resources
Recognition: Provided the meshes and original textures for the Scamp, Golem, Ebony Giant, Fire Orb, Hermaeus Mora Young, and Bone Spirit Mesh.
Name: Gendundrup/Frankthefish/Muppetpuppet- Nexus Creature Resource
Recognition: Provided the meshes and original textures for the Lion and Siligonder.
Name: Viltuska- Gehenoth
Recognition: Provided the mesh and original texture for the Gehenoth.
Name: Kjell Granlund- Addons Textures - Dragons
Recognition: Provided the mesh and original texture for the custom dragon.
Name: Nautilus3211- Nexus Profile
Recognition: Provided idea for Unbound Soul Trap.
Name: Darren83- Nexus Profile
Recognition: Provided insight and information on the Creation Kit.